Chapter 117 Wisdom Fights Bad Bad Princess 3
Chapter 92 Wisdom vs Bad Princess

I laughed secretly in my heart, the big satyr said that the bad nature is not bad, it really is extremely pure.

Anyone who hears my words will be able to tell that it is full of loopholes, and that this princess lives in a deep palace, so it doesn't make sense for me to think like that.He even persuaded me not to commit suicide, oh hahaha, I think Ye Feifei regards life above all else, how could I commit suicide?

It seems that Xiaobaibai is the master who eats soft and not hard, probably has something to do with her liking to wear men's clothes. Seeing my "I see you pity" demeanor, she got by so easily and won. Her full of sympathy is really an unexpected gain.

Feifei Xiaoyu: There is only one thing in the world that no one can take away, and that is wisdom.

I can't help but feel a little complacent, and I still feel a sense of accomplishment after finishing the bad princess with a few words.Seeing that the bad princess was affected by him, she became a little decadent, thinking that she might as well take this opportunity to build a good relationship, so that she can have a backer in the future.Besides, the nature of bad and bad is indeed not bad, and they are somewhat similar to me. They both like to be mischievous and play pranks.

"Princess, you don't have to be so dejected. I don't know how many people worry about food and clothing. How can they have the leisure to pay attention to the fun around them? But the princess is different. She lives in the palace, so she just There are so many feelings. People always cherish and yearn for what they don’t get, but forget and ignore what they have.”

"So the princess should be happy for her happy life now! It's like no one gets tired of drinking water because of the plain water, and no one abandons life because of the plain life. The princess should not ignore it because she is used to a happy life. Lose your own happiness!"

The little princess blinked, and said in disbelief, "Are you really happy? Why... don't I think..."

It was funny in my heart, but I still said patiently: "Of course. It's just because you are in happiness. Since you were born, you have enjoyed the life of stars and moons, so you don't feel it now. .”

"Because you get used to it, just like ordinary people who grew up in hardship, they are also used to it, and they don't feel it at all. Happiness needs to be compared. Not feeling it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and getting used to it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You are loved by the queen mother, loved by your elder brother, and cared by your servants, so you are really happy, princess, and how many people in the world envy you."

"Really? After your analysis, I really feel very happy. Well, you girl is really considerate. I like you. Your name is Feifei, right? I'm going to ask Wang Brother, I asked you to come over to be my company, and talk to me to relieve boredom in the future."
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Chapter 93 My long-term meal ticket
(End of this chapter)

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