The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 123 The Little Bad Bad Shows Off His Prestige 2

Chapter 123 The Little Bad Bad Shows Off His Prestige 2
Chapter 95 Little Bad Bad Shows Off His Prestige

Concubine Su Gui was horrified, even her face that was originally flushed with anger suddenly turned pale.The curvy and exquisite figure frailly stepped back several steps, but fortunately the two maids helped her in time, and she finally stood firm.A pair of phoenix eyes flashed continuously, and her sexy slightly raised lips were also completely pale with horror, trembling slightly up and down, unable to say a word for a long time.

The people on the ground were already afraid that Concubine Su Gui would vent their anger on them after returning, but now they heard that the nine clans would be implicated and Ling Chi was executed, and they were so frightened that their heads were on the ground, and they did not dare to speak out.

Xiao Huaihua, on the other hand, looked angrily, as if he had been greatly insulted, as if he would not give up if he didn't regret it.

Xiao Wuzi was at his side, with a solemn face, loyal to listen to Xiao Huaiba's orders at any time.

Looking at all this, ouch, I am so ridiculous!Little bad bull, a few words turned the world around, not only saved me from a catastrophe, but also scared Concubine Su Gui to turn pale, seeing how useless she is, really happy!Although Concubine Su Gui knows that I stepped on it, she has nothing to do with me!whee!
I tried my best to hold back the urge to laugh, but my stomach was cramped with uncontrollable laughter.

"Bad Princess misunderstood!"

Suddenly, Concubine Su Gui's face softened, and her voice became soft and friendly, "How could I scold the bad princess, let alone despise the bad princess!" She didn't even call her "My Palace", but Changing the name to "I" is obviously extremely afraid of what bad people said just now.

Thinking about it, the most taboo thing in the royal family is to be disrespectful to the royal family!Concubine Su Gui obviously understood this point very well. Although the bad words were a little irrational just now, when they reached the ears of the king and queen mother, even if they didn't believe it, they would still leave a deep bad impression.And how fierce the competition in the palace is, there is no room for the slightest stain.Otherwise, it will fall out of favor, or even waste all previous efforts.

Since Su Yan'er has already sat on the throne of imperial concubine, she naturally knows how hard and tragic the struggle is.Of course she knew how many pairs of eyes were staring at her all the time, of course she wouldn't be so stupid as to let the bad guys really complain to the king and queen mother!

Even though she knew that the bad princess was protecting me, she had no choice but to hold back her anger, knocked out her teeth and swallowed it with blood.So after I figured this out, I immediately changed my smiling face, and apologized softly: "I really thought that girl stepped on me, so I lost my words in a moment of anger. I had something urgent to go to the king, so I stepped forward. Hurry up, but I didn't realize that it was the Bad Princess who was coming in front of her. I think some reckless girl rushed into her, so she was so angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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