Chapter 132 Killing Two Birds With One Stone 2
Chapter 99 Killing Two Birds With One Stone

Only Chu Xuan said: "I found out that this waist card belongs to Xiaoyu, a maidservant of Chunnuan Pavilion. This piece of clothing has been inspected in the clothes room just now, and it is the clothing material for maids and servants. The other servants confessed, When the little master entered the palace on the first day, he accidentally broke into the Queen Mother's Longevity Garden. At that time, Concubine Su had made things difficult for her. Yesterday, she had a conflict with Concubine Su. It was the bad princess who stopped her, and the disaster was avoided. "

There was a sound of fingers tapping on the table, and I could imagine that the King of Farts must be in deep thought at the moment.

"What do you think?"

"Back to the king, all kinds of evidence point to Concubine Su. The waist card belongs to the Chunnuan Pavilion, and the clothes are proved to be owned by the servant girl. Came here with resentment, ordered the servant girl to push the young master into the water, the servant girl lost her waist badge in desperation, and a piece of her clothes was hooked off by a branch while fleeing."

Oh, it turns out that the stinky bat was trying to blame Concubine Su Gui.

That's right, Concubine Su Gui has been making things difficult for me these two days, many people in the palace know about it.The stinky bat left the badge and clothing at the crime scene again, and now Concubine Su Gui couldn't push it away even if she wanted to.

That stinky bat shouldn't belong to Concubine Su, right?I wondered in my heart, I don't know if the young master in black and these bats are in the same group?If so, didn't he keep saying he wanted to protect me?And why did you want to kill me?If not, then who is going to kill me?
snort!No matter who is behind this, "he" is a powerful character.Killing me and framing Concubine Su, isn't killing two birds with one stone?
Just as I was thinking about it, there was another noise from outside. I couldn't hold back my curiosity, and I quietly poked out the exit. I saw two guards carrying a blood-stained person in. With a wave of Chu Xuan's hand, the two guards retreated silently. Going out, the whole body of the man who was being held went limp and collapsed on the ground.

Looking at the clothes, you can tell that she is a maid.Her face was lying on the ground, she was only out of breath, her hair was disheveled, and she couldn't see clearly, but after thinking about it, she knew it must be the girl named "Xiaoyu".With the waist tag and that piece of clothing, she is sure to die.

"Your Majesty, this servant was wronged! This servant didn't kill anyone..." Xiaoyu moaned miserably, hoping that the King could believe her innocence before she died.

But the Fart King didn't pay attention at all, as if he didn't hear it, he was holding a teacup in his hand, and gently picked the tea leaves in the tea bowl with the lid.

Seeing that girl looked pitifully at King Stinky Fart, but he was dragging her back like two to five or eighty thousand, I couldn't bear it so much, I rushed out and shouted: "Your Majesty, please spare her!" .Indeed... oh, is that you?"
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Chapter 100 Pushing the boat along with the current, adding insult to injury

(End of this chapter)

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