Chapter 14

Chapter 13 Competing Poetry with Talented Women

"Pfft—" He didn't take a sip, but he spit it all out. He even turned his body temporarily and spit it all on the ground. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of delicious food on the table?There are soft-shelled turtles and Qingxin moistening spleen soup!

But I don't know how Da Furen ordered people to do it, turtle?Is there really one here?I'm really curious~~
Dad gave me a hard look, and said to King Yun in fear, "My lord, are you alright?"

I covered my mouth and laughed lightly, but my father glared at me, so I forced myself to hold back.The big satyr waved his hand, took the towel from the person behind him, wiped his mouth, and then said: "Good poem, good poem. The third lady of the Xiangfu is as good as she is, she is a blockbuster!"

I turned my head and raised eyebrows at him, this kid can't tell, he has a high appreciation ability!
Dad smiled awkwardly, let me sit under Ye Piaopiao, and continued: "My lord, my little girl Piaopiao also has a good knowledge of poetry, why don't you give me a cheerful song by Piaopiao? This is a great spring.

snort!What do you mean by "don't miss this great spring"?It is obvious that he is using his daughter as a temptation to make the second sister dress so beautifully. Isn't there some other purpose?And I sat next to her, that would be miserable!Although the color of the clothes is lake green, it's a pity that there are some patches on it. Compared with the expensive chiffon yarn of the second sister, it's like a white swan, an ugly duckling!
But I'm not afraid, women rely not only on appearance, but also on wisdom!Phew~~ I absolutely cannot let Daddy succeed!Who told you to let me live in such a sparrow's nest, I will make up the whole sparrow, and I will kill you!
"Okay. I heard that the eldest lady of the Xiangfu is the most beautiful woman in the capital, and she has entered the palace to sit as the king's favorite concubine. The second lady of the Xiangfu is the most talented woman in the capital. The king has heard of her name a long time ago. Feast your ears." The big pervert looked through my sister but fell on me, I raised my eyebrows, what am I afraid of, I can also do poetry, there are so many poems in the 21st century, and I can recite two at random, oh hahaha, they are better than you powerful!hey-hey!

Ye Piaopiao didn't speak all the time, but at this moment, he said slowly and politely: "Your Highness has won the award, please come up with a question." Oh, she didn't even feel modest, did she really have a plan in mind?I want to listen.

"Then let's take the scenery of summer night as the topic." The big pervert said slowly, and glanced at me, as if to ask for advice.I shrugged my shoulders indifferently, whatever the topic you want, anyway, I can recite a song casually, it is better than her.

"Okay. That's Piao Piao's shame." I saw the second sister pondering for a while, and her voice was light and calm, and it sounded like a fairy.

"Summer"--Songs and Songs on a Moonlit Night

summer night east lake moon has qin jingfang
The beautiful water demon sings softly
The breeze is blowing, the fragrance of grass and water by the lake is rippling
The faint and elegant fragrance of roses
wind clear water light rippling

gentle moon

The flowers are fragrant and the singing is bright

light feather dance

(The small words are original by the author, obtained according to the ID of the netizen, there is no word card, self-made song)

"Okay, what a light feather dance, with beautiful artistic conception and elegant diction, she deserves to be the number one talented woman." The big satyr clapped his hands and applauded, and I muttered in my heart, what is good, isn't it just a few flowers, a crescent moon? !snort!
"Piao Piao is making an ugly show, the lord is laughing at it." Piao Piao slightly lowered her head and smiled beautifully, without looking at anyone, she gracefully sat back in her seat.Wow!Are all beautiful and talented women so noble?But seeing the pervert glance at me, he couldn't hold back his smile and said, "Little beauty, where's yours?"

"Ahem", I cleared my throat, and stood up like my sister, my mind was spinning, which song should I recite?Well, it seems that there are a few suitable poems, but I can’t remember all the poems. Oops, the more anxious I am, the more I can’t remember them.

"My lord, Feifei has never studied, so don't make things difficult." In order to protect his face, my good father couldn't help but say "help" me out of the siege. I snorted softly and read aloud:

"Summer nights go to bed early,

Mosquito bites everywhere.

Spray on dichlorvos,
I don't know how many people died. "

"Boom!" Someone fell down, lying on the ground, and the waves of laughter still flooded the entire hall. "'s so ridiculous..."

(End of this chapter)

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