Chapter 172 Ye Qianqian's Visit 3
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Chapter 110 Two Ye Qianqian's Visit

"Squeak", the door was pushed open, a lady-in-waiting appearance came in first, behind was Ye Qianqian's radiant and delicate face.

I pretended to be struggling to get out of the bed to salute, but Ye Qianqian stepped over, put his hands on my shoulders, and said softly: "Sister, don't do this, you are hurt so badly, why do you salute! Besides! Our own sisters, saluting is actually out of sight!"

My eyes turned red, and I cried out gratefully: "Xie Xianfei, the concubine. It is a great favor for me to come to see my maid in person. But because of my injury, I can't bow down to my mother's kindness. When you are in good health, you must go to your empress and kowtow to your empress."

"Okay, when you recover from your injury, I'll take a leave of absence from the king and take you back to the mansion to have a reunion with your father. The family is a rare member. Fortunately, my sister is now in the palace, and my sister also happens to have a companion. Kowtow Just skip it, save those troubles!"

Ye Qianqian smiled softly, her face like a lotus was even more brilliant like a flower, and she spoke slowly in a thin and soft voice, making people feel that she is a virtuous and gentle woman!

If I hadn't known what kind of person she was, I'm afraid I would have been blinded by her.I thought to myself that this palace is really not a place for people to stay, there are fakes everywhere, the smiles are fake, the good intentions are fake, maybe even the food I eat someday is fake!
My eyes turned red again, and I said with a choked up voice, "Your Majesty treats your servants so well! It's just that your servants are of low status, and I haven't had a chance to go home to see my mother, and I don't know how she is. Does she miss your servants..." After finishing speaking, I intentionally Wiping tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeves, he secretly looked at her.

Seeing that she turned her head and looked at the maid, the maid's eyes tightened, as if telling her another decision.

Ye Qianqian understood, and when she turned her head, her face became a little dignified. She got up and sat on the side of my bed, and took up the handkerchief to help me wipe away my tears. Her soft voice was slightly sad and heavy, as if someone It's as if something is difficult to speak.

"Sister, sister really doesn't want to hide it from you. You...your mother kissed her...she..." When she said this, she burst into tears, she even shed two tears, but she didn't speak anymore.

I knew she was lying, but I was still so nervous that it seemed real. I grabbed her wrist and said in a hurry: "What happened to my mother? What happened to my mother?"

(End of this chapter)

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