Chapter 174 Ye Qianqian's Visit 5
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Chapter 110: Ye Qianqian's Visit

Ye Qianqian managed to suppress the anger in her heart, her smile was a bit forced, she leaned over and patted me on the back and said softly: "It's okay. You didn't do it on purpose, don't be too sad, take good care of your body, my sister will spend two days Come see you again! You should rest early!"

After finishing speaking, he said to the court lady: "Su Lan, bring the things here."

My heart moved, she really was "Aunt Lan".Why did the young master in black call her Aunt Lan?What is their relationship?Is the young master in black from the minister's mansion?No, it won't be.If he was from the Minister's Mansion, he would never have saved me several times.But what kind of relationship would that be?Ouch, my head hurts!Their relationship is so complicated that it's making my brain almost knotted...

"What's wrong with my sister? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Oh, no, I'm just a little dizzy." Seeing Ye Qianqian's deliberate concern, I really wanted to get up and tear her face.

Ye Qianqian smiled slightly, and said very kindly: "If you feel dizzy, take a good rest. This is the soup that my sister specially made for you. It has the functions of promoting muscle growth, nourishing blood, relieving pain and removing stasis. Drinking it before going to bed is the best, and it can also keep you asleep. My sister won’t be unable to sleep because of the pain. Come on, my sister will serve you a bowl, it’s still hot.”

"Oh no!" I subconsciously refused, and seeing Ye Qianqian looking at me suspiciously, I quickly explained: "Heh... how dare the servants work hard to do the work of these rough maids? Thank you for the soup, Wang The boss sent Yan'er to take care of me, I should be back soon, let her do it. The lady is also tired, and the clothes are dirty by the servant, the servant is really very sorry!"

The jealousy in Ye Qianqian's eyes flashed, and turned into slight disgust. He looked at the dress and frowned slightly, "Okay! Then you have a good rest, remember to drink the soup! Sister, go first Well, I'll see you another day."

"Yes, I will send you off to your mother."

I kowtowed towards the door on the bed, Ye Qianqian seemed to be tired of pretending, so she was not humble, and walked away quickly, shaking her embroidered handkerchief.I lay down on the bed, the joy in my heart almost made me laugh out loud.It's a pity that I can't follow Ye Qianqian to hear Ye Qianqian losing his temper at this moment, what a pity.

(End of this chapter)

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