Chapter 177
Chapter 110: The Fart King Is Very Jealous


" can be reasonable, okay! The big pervert wouldn't beat, scold and threaten me like you!"

"Hey!" He sneered coldly, "What I say makes sense!" Domineering!I really wanted to flatten him, but I heard him suddenly say softly: "If I treat you like a pervert, will you treat me like he did?"

I have goosebumps...

I couldn't stand him calling "big pervert" over and over again, and his changing attitude!It's hot and cold for a while, I really don't know how to deal with it, I'm almost exhausted!
But there is no way to stop it.But seeing the longing in his eyes made me startled.He asked a little stupidly: "Why? You have so many women..."

Before he finished speaking, he looked like he was about to get angry, so I shut up quickly.This man is really crazy, he was the one who wanted to talk to me, and I planned to ignore him at first!Now that I've said it, he has a stinky face again, it's so annoying!
"There is no reason, anyway, you are not allowed to see the pervert in the future! Otherwise, I will propose marriage to him immediately!"

"Ah? Why? Why? You hate, you are domineering, you are fucking unreasonable, you are not a man at all, you are jealous, you don't have to be jealous, I hate you... woo..."

I yelled at him furiously, but he stopped my chattering mouth all of a sudden.

It took a long while before he let me go, I was almost suffocated, panting heavily.He gave a wicked smirk, "If you want to scold me like this again, it will be more than this punishment!" After he finished speaking, he stretched out his finger and scratched my nose.

As if struck by lightning, I couldn't move for a long time, but looked at him in shock with my big round eyes.

He was slightly taken aback, probably because he felt that the action just now was too intimate, his face was a little embarrassed, he coughed lightly and hugged me to sleep with my eyes closed.I cry wow, God!What kind of person did I meet?For a while, it will kill you like a volcanic eruption, and for a while, it will be gentle and caring for you like water.

"Still sleeping? Do you want me to serve you?"

He obviously closed his eyes, but he seemed to see it. I quickly closed my eyes and went to sleep, but God knows, how could I fall asleep...
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Chapter 110 Five Punishment of Concubine Yan
(End of this chapter)

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