The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 179 Punish Concubine Yan, Kill Two Birds With One Sword 1

Chapter 179 Punish Concubine Yan, kill two birds with one stone 2
Chapter 110: Punish Concubine Yan, kill two birds with one stone


After washing and grooming extremely depressed, let Yan'er help me to go out for a walk.Still holding a piece of pastry in his hand, he slowly limped out.I haven't basked in the sun for several days, and suddenly I feel that the sun is really warm today!
On both sides of the path, flowers are blooming, rockery pavilions and pavilions are shining into the scene, the pool water is rippling, blue waves are rippling, and the breeze is blowing, fresh and comfortable. "Wow, it's so comfortable!" I stretched out my hands in a hug, enjoying the good time with my eyes closed.

"Hey, who is this? What a pleasant leisure time!"

A soft voice with a deep rhyme came, and I turned around suddenly, and it was a well-dressed concubine.Yan'er, who was supporting me, had already knelt down, "See Concubine Yan."

I think she looks familiar, I seem to have seen her before, and I was so absorbed in thinking about it for a while that I forgot to say hello to her.Suddenly, there was a coquettish voice from the servant girl next to her, "Bold! Seeing our Concubine Yan, she still kneels down and salutes, she's so unobtrusive!" As she spoke, she rushed over and slapped me on my knee. Kicking, I suddenly lost my balance and fell to my knees on the ground.

"Ah--", it hurts...the knee hurts, and the butt hurts even more!
"Ah, little master..." Yan'er whispered anxiously, and the servant girl became even more domineering when she heard that, she twisted her face and sneered, "Little master? It's just a slave, what qualifications do you have to be called little master? Hmph!"

MD, how dare you treat me like this!I was so angry that I raised my head and stared fiercely at the maid, but she was not afraid at all, instead she gave me a supercilious look, very disdainful and arrogant.

Oh, this affection made me laugh instead!I pulled out a deep smile, "Yan'er, help me up!"

I remembered who that concubine was, she was one of the concubines who wandered into the Queen Mother's garden by mistake that time.At that time, she was still helping the imperial concubine to speak.Hmph, it's really fate to meet again today, I will make her remember me for the rest of her life!
Yan'er looked at me, then at Concubine Yan, finally got up and came to help me.

Concubine Yan glared at her in disbelief, and the servant girl next to her couldn't hold back any longer, and shouted, "Bold! How dare you get up by yourself before the concubine Yan asks you to get up? Do you not want to live anymore?"

(End of this chapter)

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