Chapter 186 Xiziyu and Xiziyue 5
Chapter 110 Six, Xiziyu and Xiziyue


"His Royal Highness, what are you doing this time?"

I deliberately changed the topic, looking relaxed and totally indifferent to what happened just now.Hmph, if the pervert dares to forgive me, I will have my own way to settle the score with him!Damn, if he can let go of other women in his heart, I can also sleep other men in my bed!Let's see who is ruthless!
Unknowingly gnashing his teeth again, Prince Xi gave me a sideways look, with that sneer still on his lips. "Don't you know? Come and kiss!"

"Marriage? Who's with whom?" I unconsciously "clicked" in my heart, it couldn't be the pervert and that Yueyueer!Suddenly, I remembered what the Fart King said. He said that he would propose marriage to the pervert. Could it be really him?Wow~~ "No, absolutely not!"

"Oh, why not?"

Uh... accidentally said it. "Oh, it's nothing. I mean, you can't be hasty with such a big deal, right?"

"of course."

I wiped the sweat lightly, okay.

"However, the two of them hit it off, they are talented and beautiful, and now they only need to nod from the king and the queen mother to get married right away."

Prince Xi seemed to be playing tricks on me on purpose, but he didn't say the following words until I relaxed a little affectionately.As soon as I heard it, I immediately thought of the big pervert and Princess Yueyue just now, one is the prince, the other is the girl of heaven, the other is handsome, the other is beautiful, wow, no matter how you look at them, both of them can be called the same. "A man of talent and a woman's appearance" ah!

Hmph, if the pervert dares to "fall in love" with her, damn it, I'll...I'll...I'll sell myself to a brothel! "Tch, what a man and woman, I think it's a jackal and a female cat!" It's just two small animals, wait for me to bend my bow and set an arrow, and shoot your hedgehog full of hair...

"Jackal female cat? Chi—" Xi Taizi resisted the urge to laugh, and the corners of his lips trembled hard.

That Prince Xi's eyes can really see through people's minds, I can almost reveal all my thoughts just by looking at him.Immediately glaring at him, he was in no mood and said: "Yeah, I'm very upset! I won't nag you anymore, I have to leave beforehand, you can play by yourself..."

After all, just leave him alone and see the right direction, I'm going to find the king of farts.

"Haha, I was just kidding you. You don't take it seriously, do you? Seeing how angry you are, you don't want to go to the brothel in a fit of anger, do you? Have you forgotten the dozens of whips you received back then? I advise you not to think about it, then... "

"Wait, how do you know...know about me being whipped?"
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Chapter 110 Seven

(End of this chapter)

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