Chapter 19 Nalan Hundred Treasures

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Chapter 18 Nalan Hundred Treasures

"Then what do you mean? From now on, the deal is cancelled?"

"What's the point of canceling or not? Since you don't love, let us go..." Since you don't love, let us go?What's the meaning?What is the deal between the mother and the master?Not in love, is it because Xiangye doesn't love mother, or mother doesn't love Xiangye?If you don't love, why do you have to be together?This... What the hell is going on here?Why do I feel like a big vortex is slowly sucking me into it...

"Let you go? Haha... I'm not that great yet! You can leave if you want, but the same sentence, tell me where Nalan Baizhentu is, and I will let you mother and child leave safely." Oh my god!What is "your mother and son"?Could it be that I am not his own?Earlier, he kept saying that his mother would not accept him even when he was 15. He seemed to be very wronged, but now he showed his true colors. He imprisoned our mother and son for 15 years for the Nalan Baizhen map!

"I've been saying it for 15 years, I really don't have that picture. Why don't you believe it?"

"You are still so stubborn, do you insist that I use extreme measures?" What does this man want to do?The cruel tone in his words, is he going to kill my mother?I looked around and found a wooden stick in my hand. I was about to go back and continue to eavesdrop, but I heard a soft "squeak". Delicate, but fortunately it is the willow tree on the moon now. In short, the person who came out didn't even notice my existence. He locked the door with a "snap" and walked away.

After about 5 minutes, I quietly came out of the flowers and ran to the door. A big lock isolated me from my mother's world.I suddenly thought of my mother, I just came here, how sad did she know over there?Feeling sore in my heart, I choked up and called out again: " that you? I'm Feifei..."

There was an exclamation in the room, as if hesitating for half a century, a cold voice came faintly: "Who are you? I don't know you..." The voice was so powerless, but it shocked me for a long time. Don't be angry!
Isn't she Feifei's mother?But I clearly heard it just now, and there is absolutely no way I could have heard it wrong...

"Mother, do you have any difficulties? You tell Feifei that I have grown up and can handle many things. Feifei wants to share some worries for mother. Even if she just listens to some distress, Feifei thinks The happiest thing...Mother, every child is the heart of the mother, but does the mother know that every mother is the moon in the heart of the child! Without the moon, the child will be gone Night, without night, she can't sleep peacefully... Could it be that mother has the heart to make Feifei never sleep peacefully?"

"You... you go away... this is not where you came from... go... go now..." There was a mournful voice inside, and I felt a chill down my spine, and a sense of sadness hit my heart. She obviously was, why didn't she admit it?It must be that minister who messed up, I'm going to find him...

"Mother, I will definitely rescue you, wait for me to find something to break the lock, and then, let's run away..."

"Girl, I really don't know you. You can open the lock, but you can't open the lock that is imprisoned in my heart. What's the use? Go, go quickly, don't be found out, just fine... "
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Chapter 19 Another Third Lady
(End of this chapter)

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