Chapter 190 Betting with the Fart King 1
Chapter 110 Eight Bet with the Fart King

Ziyu didn't look carefully at who it was, and was about to walk away, when he heard my call, he turned his head abruptly, and at a glance, he blurted out, "Nalan Chuxuan?"

Chu Xuan was startled, his eyes tightened for a moment, and then he said lightly: "See the prince. The servant is the king's personal bodyguard, named Chu Xuan." After finishing speaking, he ignored him and turned to me: "Little master, the king is looking for you."

I said "Oh", blinked at Ziyu three times, and then followed Chu Xuan.

Nalan Chuxuan?Who is the one?If it was true, how could Ziyu know him?Moreover, how could someone Ziyu knew come to the palace to serve as a bodyguard for the Fart King?Also, since Ziyu knew him, wouldn't the King of Farts know him?Unless the two of them are old acquaintances, if the fart king doesn't know, he can still explain... I suddenly remembered the time I asked Chu Xuan about the mysterious woman in Zha Chen's mansion, his flashing words...

Chu Xuan, there must be a secret in him!

There was nothing to say all the way, and when he returned to King Fart's bedroom, he was sitting at the desk writing something.I consciously made a cup of tea, took it lightly, and put it quietly in his hand. I craned my neck to see what he was writing, and the writing was insane and flamboyant, covering the rice paper.

"Where did you go?"

"Ah? Oh, I'm about to develop enzymes after lying down for a few days, go out to bask in the sun." I said casually, I couldn't tell if his face was good or bad, so I decided to try it out first. "My lord, what are you writing?"

He put down his pen, didn't look at me, took a sip of tea, and asked casually, "Are you illiterate?"

"Yeah, I was not taught by anyone when I was a child. I have been doing laundry and odd jobs since I was a child. How can I know how to recognize words!" Of course, I am talking about Ye Feifei from the Minister's Mansion, the traitor Ye Chenxiang is simply a sadist. Ye Feifei lived an inhuman life when he was a child.

"Well, then I will teach you."

"Ah?" I exclaimed, no, he taught me?Then I am not dead?Immediately seeing his unfriendly eyes, I chuckled and said, "Your Majesty, you are the Ninth Five-Year Lord, and you are so busy every day, how dare this slave take up your precious time? Hehe~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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