196 Chapter 1 Evil Qianqian Ye [-]
Chapter 120 Evil Ye Qianqian


I smiled awkwardly, "Why don't you hide?"

He suddenly came over to hug me, and then let go, with his back to me, as if he cast his eyes into the endless darkness outside the window.In a trance, I had an illusion that he seemed to be integrated with the night outside the window, so that I could hardly feel his existence.

"The reason I'm telling you is because I don't want to hide it from you. It's like I always want you to be my princess! As long as you want, no one can stop you. If you don't want to, I won't force it."

I was a little moved, Ziyu, although he is very arrogant, but because of this arrogance, he will not force himself.I was completely relieved, he was willing to come to see me in the middle of the night, it can be seen that he really does not have the airs of a prince in front of me, this alone is better than the king of stinky farts!

At the end, I remembered the last time Ziyu went to the Minister's Mansion to find me, pulled him over and begged: "Ziyu, can you help me find someone at the Minister's Mansion?"

He glanced at me, as if he felt that my words were redundant, I smiled and told him the approximate location of the mysterious woman in the Minister's Mansion.Ziyu heard that there were so many four-season begonias in the woman's yard, so she immediately became interested and promised to help me with it.

"By the way, how long are you going to stay here?"

"After the Queen Mother celebrates her birthday next month, we will return to Xizi Kingdom. We live in Prince Yun's Mansion, but the Queen Mother likes Yueyueer and let her live in the Queen Mother's yard. Dongfang Yunmo will treat us to a banquet tonight, otherwise how can I stay? Until now? Well, I have to go, I will often enter the palace recently, and it’s not like I don’t have the opportunity to meet, this is for you, as long as it’s a wound, it can heal without leaving a scar.”

He looked at the back of my hand, and then threw a bag of things. I was about to thank him, but my eyes flickered, but where was his shadow?
Butt King didn't know what medicine he gave me, but my butt got better very quickly, but the tooth marks on the back of my hand were still there. Looking at the two things on the table, my heart warmed.The purple bottle is the cream that the young master in black gave me. Last time I hurt my neck, he sent it specially.The other bag of powder was just given by Ziyu.

The images of the two of them kept slipping before me, and suddenly I remembered the big pervert again, hum, that guy won't come to see me when he has a beautiful woman, let's see how I deal with him tomorrow!I touched my bosom, but found out the itchy pollen, "Hey", I started to smile...

(End of this chapter)

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