Chapter 208
Chapter 120 Two


Do you think you will "promise with your body"?

But Xiao Huai bad threw me an embroidered purse. The embroidery is not exquisite, but it is passable. "Give this to him for me, and say that if you come to me in the future, with this as a token, I will do my best to help him."

I smiled ambiguously, "Why don't you give it to him yourself? Of course you have to give it to someone in person for such an important thing! Besides, it was your life that he saved, so why don't you thank him personally!"

"Really? I have to thank you in person?" Xiao Huai looked at me dubiously.

I nodded vigorously, "Of course! You can only show sincerity if you thank him personally! Besides, Chu Xuan will be impressed if you thank him personally!" When I woke up, I was teasing her, and rushed over to tickle my itch. I yelled for help, and hid in the room, making a noise.

"What happened to Feifei?"

A male voice came in, and Xiaobaibai and I stopped at the same time.When I looked at the door, I was overjoyed, "Chu Xuan, is it you? Come on, come on, I'm looking for you!"

After finishing speaking, he winked at the little villain who was blushing again, then patted Chu Xuan who was a little stunned, turned around and went out to close the door.

The mood is extremely comfortable, and the little villain also has a lover, so I am happy to make him happy.Chu Xuan was tall and handsome, even though he was just a bodyguard, but seeing how highly valued he was by the King of Stinky Farts, he didn't have to worry about his future.Xiao Huai Huai is not a family member, as long as the two of them are in love with each other, there is nothing to worry about.The only thing that needs to be considered is the queen mother, if she speaks out to stop it, it will be difficult to handle.But if the Fart King is willing to make decisions for them, it's a different matter.

Alas, I suddenly thought of myself and the pervert, the queen mother obstructed me, the fart king objected, and there was a moon and moon inserted in the middle, dammit, why am I so unlucky?
Suddenly there was a sound in front of me, which pulled me back from my boundless thoughts. It turned out that I walked into the imperial garden without knowing it.I opened my head left and right to check carefully, and a sound of "Brother Yunyi" awakened my dream.

Wow, the big pervert is messing with that beauty again!It pissed me off!See if I don't teach you a lesson!
(End of this chapter)

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