Chapter 218 Little Angel Murong Xuanze 1
Chapter 120 Four Little Angel Murong Xuanze


Seeing that it was getting closer, I turned my head back to look at him from time to time, just in time to see him holding something in his hand and waving at us... I was in a hurry, and I didn't care to reveal my identity, and shouted: "Ah, don't... "

The little angel who was chasing us froze slightly, and the big pervert pushed me away violently, and a clever force made me roll to the side, but there was a sound of "嗤", and a hidden weapon flew off the big pervert's arm over, and fell softly to the ground.

I took a closer look and it turned out to be a leaf!

"Big satyr, how are you?" I strode over, only to see that his sleeve was cut open, but luckily no bleeding.

"It's okay, I just scratched my clothes, are you not injured?" The big satyr didn't care about himself, instead he pulled me around to check.I dragged him forward and rushed forward, "Hurry up..."

But the big satyr didn't move. He lovingly took off the broken grass on my body, and smiled casually: "Why go, I'm waiting for us."

I was startled, and when I looked back, where was Murong Xuanze?Looking forward, sure enough, there was a peaceful figure standing ten steps away.My heart trembled, when did he pass?Could it be that he could change the past like a fairy?

I was terrified of his kung fu in my heart, but even so, under the light moonlight, his figure was still so gentle, kind, and full of love, I seemed to see him smiling at me.Just like seeing him for the first time, his innocent smile, like an angel's smile.

I don't know why, but my eyes felt hot, and I choked up and called out, "Cousin..."

Under the moonlight, his voice trembled imperceptibly, as if there was a sigh from afar, but it touched my ears like a breeze.With a sense of helpless love and a hint of sadness, my nose was sore, but I was holding back the tears that were about to fall.

He forced himself to smile happily, like a night-blooming epiphyllum, with a resentful and melancholy tone that even infected me, "Cousin... are you here to send me back to the palace?"

The figure on the opposite side was a little stiff, and after a while, he sighed softly, "Come with me..." and then walked away.

I looked up at the pervert, he shrugged his shoulders, made a chic gesture, put his arms around me and followed him...

(End of this chapter)

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