Chapter 220 Little Angel Murong Xuanze 3
Chapter 120 Four Little Angel Murong Xuanze


He smiled purely and raised his eyes slightly, as if looking into the distance.

"I still remember Feifei in the past. When she saw me, she was too shy to speak. Then I would hold her hand silently and walk quietly by the small river. Feifei suffered a lot and suffered a lot when she was a child. Although she was tortured by the eldest lady, she was resolute in her heart, and survived tenaciously like a grass. Only I know how brave she is, but she doesn't show it on the surface, but bears everything silently."

"And I always bring some delicious food after night falls, and sit with her by the small river, enjoying the wind, sharing the food in my hand... Do you know? She looks really good when she eats, Thinly, lightly taste it, and then eat it with a blushing face."

I was shocked, he... what did he mean by this?
"Feifei used to love getting lost. I don't know why. She remembers everything very clearly, but she doesn't know the way. I brought her back from outside several times. The only thing she remembers is going to that small river... "

I was short of breath, he smiled warmly at me, and suddenly held my hand.His smile is so innocent, I was a little panicked, but gradually calmed down by his gentle smile.

"But one day, when I went to look for her again, she disappeared! I was very anxious, so I went directly to the small river to look for her, and she was there, floating in the cold river water..."

"Ah!" I couldn't help exclaiming!
Murong Xuanze didn't feel the slightest bit of surprise because of my surprise, on the contrary, my surprise seemed normal, he seemed to have expected this to happen. "When I rescued her, she had died for a long time... My heart stopped beating at that time! It seemed that the river no longer flows, the time no longer turns, the clouds no longer float, and the breeze no longer sings..."

I listened silently, feeling his friendship for Feifei!The two of them should be a pair of childhood sweethearts, but unfortunately, good fortune always fools people, and lovers are always difficult to get married...

"I knelt beside her unconsciously, just wanting to be with her just like this... But, as if God compensated me, she woke up miraculously, and even smiled at me playfully, more daringly. What's more, he pinched my face and called 'little angel'..."

(End of this chapter)

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