Chapter 226 Dismantling a Pair, Rubbing a Pair 3
Chapter 120 Six Dismantling a Pair, Rubbing a Pair


Nightmare entangled, sleep very restless.

I dreamed of a bloody massacre in which many people died.I also dreamed that I was being chased and killed. I let go of my feet, but I couldn't run fast.I also dreamed that I was actually wearing a red wedding gown, and someone was holding me by the hand and pressing my neck to force me to worship.After a while, I dreamed that I was eating. It turned out to be a barbecue in the 21st century.I dreamed of my mother again, nagging me like a bee by the bed, telling me to get up, saying that I was going to be late...

I couldn't be bothered, and dared to leave her with a wave of my hand, but immediately stuck to her again, saying, "Get up quickly, or it will be too late..."

I was so angry that I rolled over and sat up, before I even opened my eyes, I yelled: "Mom, today is Saturday, okay, school is on holiday! I finally got up early, so don't bother me !” After speaking, he fell down again, his eyes never opened from beginning to end.

"Feifei, Feifei? Get up quickly, or it will be too late..."

The bee came back again, this time so angry that he threw the pillow over, "Please, don't go to school today, okay... um... is that you?... where is this?" Oops!When I opened my eyes, I suddenly saw Chu Xuan standing in front of my bed with a pillow in his arms, looking angry and anxious, I rubbed my head, feeling a little confused...

"Get up quickly, you were punished by the king to kneel, it will be five o'clock soon..."

Chu Xuan threw it over the pillow, I was suddenly startled by his words, and bounced like a monkey.Chu Xuan ran out in a hurry, I dressed quickly, arranged my hair casually, and ran out...

It's okay, it's okay, I caught up, and quickly pretended to kneel down, lowered my head, looking very sluggish.

Soon, the door opened, and a pair of black matte-gold boots first appeared in front of my eyes. I felt a slight shock in my heart, suppressed the desire to look up at him, and continued to lower my head, as if I had become numb, unaware of his arrival.

The boots stayed in front of me for a while, there seemed to be a chuckle passing by, and then they went up.

"Huh--", I let out a big breath, dammit, I said I wasn't afraid of him, but when things came to an end, another night passed, and I didn't know where yesterday's courage went, and my heart was still thumping with fright Well!
Eunuch Fu Hai went with the Fart King, Chu Xuan walked over gently, and I jumped up, "Hey, thank you! Otherwise I will be miserable again!" Chu Xuan smiled lightly, a little teasing, "As long as Just stop hitting me with a pillow!"

(End of this chapter)

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