Chapter 228 Dismantling a Pair, Rubbing a Pair 5
Chapter 120 Six Dismantling a Pair, Rubbing a Pair


I saw that although she was domineering and spoiled, she didn't have much heart, so she smiled wryly and said: "The princess has misunderstood! Give me a chance to let the servants have the guts to not dare to murder the princess! Besides, the servants have no skills, so why should they murder the princess?"

She frowned, and scolded coquettishly: "How dare you say that! You actually used safflower powder to harm me. Tell me, why do you have such safflower powder?"

I froze, and my two watery eyes looked at her mistyly, "What red pollen? What is it for?"

She was slightly stunned, and then her eyes flashed sharply, "How dare you lie! If I don't play, please ask the king to give you dozens of lashes!"

My heart is slightly sunburned, this girl is a liar!It was obvious that she deliberately lied to me, so I didn't believe that Ziyu would tell her what kind of fans I have.If she wanted to suspect it, she was also a pervert, but he was the man she liked, so he purposely came to settle accounts with me.

But at the same time, he hated the stinky fart king, he punished me to kneel because of Yueyue'er?
Feeling resentful in his heart, his expression was naturally tenacious and unyielding, "Princess Mingjian! The servant did not harm the princess, let alone the intention of murdering the princess. Even if the princess whipped the servant dozens of times, the servant said the same thing. Besides, the servant and the princess have no contact. How could he be the one who murdered the princess?"

I wanted to explain that it was King Yun who wiped your sweat for you, so why blame me?But fortunately, he held back, as soon as he said this, his feet were immediately exposed.Besides, she definitely knew in her heart that it was a pervert, but she just didn't want to doubt him.But my last sentence made her have to face up to that question.The key is "contact", the pervert wipes her sweat, that is intimate contact!

It's best if she blames the big pervert from now on, then she won't pester the big pervert again, alas, it's really good for him or me, everyone is good!Oh ha ha ha ~ ~ ~
"Hmph, don't be complacent! I will always find evidence, and I will go to Brother Yunyi to ask him personally, so he won't harm me!" Yueyue'er was full of anger, but she clearly believed it.

I hurriedly hid the emotion in my heart, and it was revealed in a moment of complacency just now, so I have to make amends quickly.

"Princess, the servant girl is not proud, but happy for the princess! The princess has not been bullied, and she is still so beautiful and generous, as delicate as a flower. No wonder the king loves the princess so much!"

Oops, I'm so smart!Let her misunderstand the pervert, it is best not to see each other again, and then say good things about the king of farts, princess, I am doing it for your own good, maybe you can be a royal concubine... Hehe!
(End of this chapter)

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