Chapter 23
Chapter 22 Hit him with a baked sweet potato
I cried out in distress, this is the result I picked all morning, light green is my favorite!It just fell like this, rubbed pieces of plaster, and I patted it lightly with my hand, and a hole was broken!

And the sweet potato in my hand turned into a black paste due to the bump just now!

Wow!I'm so mad!
I looked up at the culprit who knocked me down, about 2 meters away from me, I saw a slender and well-proportioned handsome man standing there, his eyebrows were shaved on his face like a lancet, and a pair of sharp eagle-like eyes The eyes, embedded like stone into ink, are looking at me steadily, the light in the eyes is as cold as ice.The bridge of the nose is straight, the tip of the pen is slightly hooked, and the thin lips are almost pursed into a straight line, without any curvature.

Wow!This person is so cold!And it looks very fierce!Behind him were four equally ruthless guards, with a knife straddling their waist, one hand holding the handle of the knife, and the other hand hanging slightly, as if they were ready to draw the knife.

But I'm not afraid, he stained my beautiful skirt and smashed my sweet potato, so he should pay me for it!

I can also make fierce faces, hum!I don't believe that there are people coming and going on the street, how dare he do anything to me!Sniffing, I stood up, and I was about to tear my mouth away and entangle with him, but suddenly I couldn't help pointing at him and laughing!
"Haha...hahaha...I laughed so hard, it's so fun, it's so cute, it really looks like Lie..." I covered my stomach with laughter, trembling as I spoke, pointing at the face of the person opposite me with trembling fingers. Clothes, I couldn't keep up with laughter, which made me cough violently...

"Feifei, what's wrong with you?" Murong Xuanze finally came to his senses, with one hand holding something, he hastily freed his other hand to comfort me.

I blushed with a smile, pointed at the man's clothes with trembling fingers and said, "Look, there is a Mickey Mouse on that man's clothes! It's one with one ear, so cute!"

I couldn't help laughing again, Murong Xuanze followed my line of sight, and saw that the man was dressed in pure white brocade clothes, but because I ate roasted sweet potatoes, there was a paw print on his black hand, and The black mass in the middle was printed on the sweet potato I wrapped, and it looked like a mouse, and the paw print happened to be printed on it and became an ear. From a distance, it looked like a solitary mouse. Ears of Mickey Mouse...

God!Help, I will die from stomach cramps if I laugh any longer!
"Miss, have you laughed enough?"

A cold voice came over suddenly, and it actually cured my laughing convulsions. I couldn't help but feel cold, and I said with some trembling: "Heh... laugh, laugh... Then, cousin, let's go , don’t bother people to go shopping! We are all five good citizens!” I smiled at him, pulled Murong Xuanze and walked back as if nothing had happened.

"Stop! Want to run? It's not that easy!"

A cold reprimand suddenly came from behind, I turned my head to look, ah, no, he is chasing us very fast.Without even thinking about it, I grabbed the sweet potato paste in my hand and threw it towards him, "I told you to chase you, I told you to chase me, don't chase me!"

He seemed to be particularly afraid of getting dirty, his body froze, and he dodged lightly left and right.

I finished throwing it in two or three, and then pulled Murong Xuanze and Sa Yazi and ran, "Ah... run!"
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Chapter 23 The little angel wants the overlord to attack hard?
(End of this chapter)

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