The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 243 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King 3

Chapter 243 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King 3
Chapter 130 Borrowing Yueyue'er's Hand to Win the Fart King

"Who wants to ask me to judge?"

We were all stunned, seeing the King of Farts walking in with a smile on his face. This was completely unexpected, and we were all stunned on the spot.But I saw Xiao Wuzi gesturing loudly at the door, obviously the King of Farts didn't want him to report.

I let out a sigh of relief and took the lead in bowing down. "See Your Majesty."

The three of them also woke up like a dream, and bowed down.The Fart King kindly asked everyone to stand up, and then asked the question just now: "Who said just now that you want to ask me to judge?"

As if she had found a life-saving straw, Yueyue'er sued the three of us to the King of Farts with eloquence.After hearing this, the King of Stinky Farts laughed "haha", "I thought it was such a big deal, so it's like this. Well, you are an 'expert' in this field, and you set the rules. What do you say should be done?"

The last sentence of the King of Farts turned to me to ask, and he deliberately emphasized the word "expert". I smiled slightly, "Back to the king, the servant has already told everyone the rules. There is no winner in the rules. Is it wrong to choose which one to shoot?"

The Stinky Fart King nodded slightly, but stopped talking, just looked at Princess Yueyue.I winked at Xiaobaibai, and she immediately understood.Yueyue'er justified her grievances, and still said unconvinced: "But but..." But after a long time, she didn't say anything.

Xiao Huai Hua said happily: "Ah, what luck! This princess doesn't know how to settle accounts, Feifei, come and help me do the calculations, and see who loses more."

Does this still count?Of course it's Yueyue'er!I giggled, "Boy and King Yun are both one rounds, and Princess Yueyue is two rounds because she fired a cannon. Therefore, Princess Yueyue has lost the most in this round!"

The little villain happily said: "Feifei, help this princess think of a way to see how to punish Princess Yueyue!"

The Fart King also looked at me with interest and interest, but Yueyue'er's face was flushed with anger, I rolled my eyes and said happily: "Your Majesty is handsome, and Princess Yueyue is as beautiful as a flower, really worthy of a match. Let Princess Yueyue be punished in front of all the princes!"

Yueyue'er was taken aback, she never expected that I would be punished like this, her face flushed immediately, she was both happy and ashamed.Butt King is expressionless, showing neither like nor dislike.However, I faintly felt that he was a little unhappy...

No, it's not a little unpleasant, but a big unhappy...

(End of this chapter)

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