The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 265 The Fart King Goes Crazy, Was Assassinated and Seriously Injured 1

Chapter 265 The Fart King Goes Crazy, Was Assassinated and Seriously Injured 1
Chapter 130 Three, the Fart King Goes Crazy, Was Assassinated and Seriously Injured

Because his promise is so swearing, so I really believe it!So now I'm really sad!If you didn't believe it at the beginning, you wouldn't feel sad now!
Alright big pervert, I will continue to wait for you, because the not yet bright...

"Feifei... Feifei..."

In a daze, I seemed to hear someone calling my name. I was startled, and jumped up like a rabbit, "Big pervert, you are here at last, why are you just now...come..." But my voice became louder and louder. The lower the words, because I have already seen clearly, the person in front of me is not a pervert, but Chu Xuan.

"Feifei, you..."

Chu Xuan looked worried, but I was full of disappointment.Before he finished speaking, I pressed my finger on his lips and said weakly: "Stop talking...don't ask me anything, I'm very tired now..."

He half-armed me and turned out from behind the rockery. Without the barrier of the rockery, the night wind gusted and I couldn't help shivering.

Big satyr, why didn't you come...I hate you!

Startled suddenly, he tugged at his sleeve and tremblingly said, "You... how do you know I'm here?"

Chu Xuan sighed, and said helplessly and lovingly: "The king asked me to come with you. He was afraid that something would happen to you, so he asked me to protect you. Sigh... the king is in your room now, will you go back with me?"

"You just take me back and it's over, you still ask me!" I was really in a bad mood, extremely depressed.The pervert didn't come, but the Fart King clearly knew my whereabouts, and specially sent Mr. Chu Xuan to protect me. No wonder I always felt that someone was following me.Alas... Fortunately, the pervert didn't come, otherwise wouldn't he have been caught?But, I really want him to come, so contradictory...

Chu Xuan rubbed my hair, paused in front of me, and said softly: "If you don't want to go back, I will send you away!"

What?I looked at him in astonishment, and said in disbelief: "Are you right? Are you sending me away?"

"Yes, I will send you away. If you feel unhappy in the palace, I will send you away now, as long as you are willing." He said so sincerely, with a hint of warmth, I sniffed, and suddenly wanted to Crying, it was the loss I just felt from the pervert, and I got warmth from Chu Xuan again.

(End of this chapter)

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