The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 267 The Fart King Goes Crazy, Was Assassinated and Seriously Injured 5

Chapter 267 The Fart King Goes Crazy, Was Assassinated and Seriously Injured 5
Chapter 130 Three, the Fart King Goes Crazy, Was Assassinated and Seriously Injured

I wept weakly, "Your Majesty, you are such an honorable person, why did you lower your status just for Feifei as a slave? If you really need it, why not let Feifei give her body to you? It's just Feifei In my heart, there will always only be a big pervert, and there will be no one else..."

He seemed to have been bumped, the muscles on his face twitched, the veins on his forehead bulged, and his eyes spewed fire, like a crazy devil, even the bed was vibrated by him, I looked at him in horror, He seemed to be trying his best to control it, but it was like a balloon, constantly inflating, looking for an outlet to vent.

"Ah—" I screamed...

He lost control of his madness, lowered his head and bit my shoulder all of a sudden, exhausted all the strength in his body, all the love, hatred, and hatred were concentrated in this bite, and he bit down fiercely and desperately...

It was as if all the flesh and blood in my body had been pulled together. I clamped up in pain and fell back again. My neck was stiff and I couldn’t even cry out... He is an evil devil who wants to suck all the blood in my body. I feel like I can't breathe, I'm frozen...

"Fun Lord, take your life!"

Suddenly, there was a stern shout, accompanied by a sharp sword wind piercing the air, and it rushed towards him with the force of a thunderbolt!

As soon as his shoulders were loosened, his mouth was full of blood, his eyes were red, and he jumped up sideways. Who would have thought that when he jumped into the air, he would spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell heavily beside me. He breathed a sigh of relief, and half-opened his eyes to see everything in front of him.

Just in time, I saw a sharp sword stabbing flat against my body, pierced his side waist with a "chick", and pulled it back with a "wow".Blood spurted out all of a sudden, he groaned, rolled down from the other side of the bed, and fell to the ground with a "bang".

A man in black jumped onto the bed, and chased after him with a sword. I didn't know what I was thinking, but I instinctively hugged the man in black's feet. The man in black didn't guard against me, and he didn't seem to expect that I would hug him Same, actually being held upright by me.

"Where are you coming...there...there are assassins..."

I called out with the last bit of strength I had left, and the Fart King was free, so he found a piece of silk to tie his waist tightly, and greeted him with a wave of his palm.The man in black was angry and anxious, but he didn't have the luck to shake me away. He let me hold me, and fought with the Fart King with his sword.

(End of this chapter)

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