The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 270 The queen mother was furious, Feifei was imprisoned 1

Chapter 270 The queen mother was furious, Feifei was imprisoned 1
Chapter 130 The Empress Dowager was furious, Feifei was imprisoned

No...Chu Xuan, it can't be can't are so stupid to die with him...why...I just guessed that you are my brother, you did such a thing, mother left me, even you...


I felt as if my body had been hollowed out, a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, and I was "dead"...

The assassination of the Fart King shocked the palace in an instant!How could the guards dare to call the shots, so they rushed to report to the queen mother to know!It was night, and the palace was on full alert, with guards patrolling everywhere.The Empress Dowager led all the empresses from all the palaces to the palace of the Stinky Fart King, and guarded him day and night.The imperial doctors are flying all over the sky, and the women in the harem are crying endlessly...

When I woke up faintly, the surroundings were pitch black, cold, dark and damp, and there was a faint musty smell. Not far away, there seemed to be the sound of "woo-woo" wind passing by, and the sound was sobbing, which was comparable to Nether Ghost Mansion!
Am I dead?Is this hell?

It was so cold, I hugged my shoulders tightly, "Hiss", a heart-wrenching pain came from my shoulders, I gritted my teeth and touched it gently, but I was still wearing the suit "before I died", I hurriedly pulled it up and covered it up. shoulder.

Fumbling with both hands on the ground, there was a burst of "clinking", and it turned out to be an iron chain as thin as a bracelet!

I was startled suddenly, and felt the same thing on my feet. The straw under my body was already damp and moldy.Where is this?Why am I here?I am sane, I know, this is not hell, it is more like a prison on earth...

"Come here... come here..."

I shouted loudly, but after shouting for a long time, there was not even a single person.God, where is this place?Why am I imprisoned here... big pervert... Ziyu... come and save me...

I continued to scream unwillingly, but still no one answered me.

The only thing that responded was the echoes from the surroundings, which seemed far away and near, bouncing back layer by layer, wave after wave. Although I knew it was not hell, this feeling was better than hell!I curled up weakly in the damp straw, and suddenly remembered Huanzhugege, there shouldn't be mice and cockroaches here, right?
Suddenly, I don't know if it was a psychological effect, something seemed to touch my feet lightly, with an "ah", I bounced up like a rabbit, and fell heavily around the iron chains on my limbs.The five viscera and the six households seemed to fall apart, and the wound on the shoulder was even more cracked. In a trance, I almost couldn't get back...

(End of this chapter)

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