The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 273 The queen mother was furious, Feifei was imprisoned 4

Chapter 273 The queen mother was furious, Feifei was imprisoned 4
Chapter 130 The Empress Dowager was furious, Feifei was imprisoned

"Queen Mother, why don't you give her some hot water, she doesn't look like she's pretending, she really can't hold on any longer." The queen's elegant voice came, and I admired why she was so calm under such circumstances...

"En." The queen mother replied, and immediately someone brought a bowl of hot water, squeezed my mouth open, and poured it down.A warm current slipped into my stomach, I seemed to gain some strength, and opened my eyes again.

Seeing this, the Empress Dowager asked sternly, "What happened the night the king was assassinated? You tell the Ai family the truth, and you must not hide a single word."

I gasped and said in a hoarse voice: "Then... that day, the king waited for me in the slave's room... Then, then the king said that he wanted to take the slave as a concubine... The slave didn't want to, but the king used force... Who would have thought that the assassins would attack me suddenly? ...that's...that's it..."


Before the Empress Dowager could speak, she yelled coquettishly, it was the Concubine Yan. "Why would the king accept you as a concubine? Even so, how could you refuse such a good thing? Hmph! You must be with the assassin. You will lure the king, and then the assassin will take the opportunity to assassinate you. Stabbed the king seriously, and he still hasn't woken up... woo..."

"Shut up!"

The queen mother stopped her in disgust, and turned to me and said: "Since you became a servant in the king's bedroom, the king has encountered assassins one after another. Don't think that the king deliberately hides it, and Aijia doesn't know about it." You said, is the assassin with you? Huh?"

"'s not...the servant did not..."

"Bold! You are still sophistry!" The Queen Mother was finally furious, she stood up, walked in front of me aggressively, raised my face with her pointed nails, "Chu Xuan always runs to your house, why? ? Then after Chu Xuan came out, he left the palace several times, and only came back in the middle of the night, and why? Don’t think that Ai’s family members are old-eyed and don’t know anything.”

My eyes tightened suddenly, the queen mother looked straight at me, and I tremblingly said: "Chu...Chu Xuan?"

"That's right, it's him!" The queen mother yelled, "What are you two plotting? Hmm? How many times have you tried to murder the king, but you still want to die with the king? Is it planned by you and executed by him? He went out of the palace to inform What? What other accomplices do you have? Say!"

(End of this chapter)

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