Chapter 29 Ye Piaopiao's Sound of Nature
Chapter 28 Ye Piao Piao's Sound of Nature
The catkins fly into feathers, and the silver moon lightly sprinkles into waves.

The evening breeze is soft and gentle, like a soft cloak, blowing on the shoulders, and the tender grass is like a blanket, stretching endlessly under the feet.With a pure heart, I am on the edge of the fairy lake.The moonlight is clear, the wind is light and the willows are shaking, the blue hair is flying in the wind, and the heart is lonely under the moon.A faint mist lingers on the surface of the lake, soaked in silvery clear frost, light smoke curling up, clear waves of silver light, fluffy feathers, ethereal like immortals.

It really deserves to be a fairy lake!It's really an eye-opener, making people want to forget the mundane world after seeing it, just go to the fairyland!

I opened my arms and closed my eyes, thinking that I embraced the whole beauty in my arms!Suddenly there was a faint sound of the piano, like the sound of heaven, like a white feather brushing across the lake in the heart, like petals falling into the water, just a few very faint melodies, but it can spark the slightest ripples , swaying in circles, layer upon layer.

Who plays the zither on a moonlit night?Although there are only a few rhythms, it also makes people feel that she is full of melancholy and has nowhere to resolve it.

I was looking for the faint sounds of nature, stepping on the light and shallow melodies one by one, and searching along the lake.In the distance, a white figure is sitting by the lake, gently fluttering with the melody of the piano, with long sleeves fluttering and dancing, flowing clouds and feathers hanging on the ground, hair fluttering like ink, lingering The lightly drooping catkins, between the green ink, are lingering and sentimental, and they almost merge with the ethereal mist of the fairy lake. The light smoke and mist are like dreams and fairy tales.

I twirled my steps lightly, not even daring to breathe too much, for fear of disturbing the wonderful fairy shadow in this realm.

Piao Piao didn't seem to notice my arrival, she just focused on her state of mind, the tone as light as smoke and clouds flowed from her fingers, but there was a touch of sadness entwined in her indifferent and misty feelings, which couldn't be shaken off, couldn't be shaken off The land is lingering in front of my eyes, and the thousands of words in my heart seem to be melted into such a sad and harmless qin music. Ten fingers are slender, dancing the light sorrow condensed between the eyebrows, following the last melody , then turned into a wisp of blue smoke, gracefully in front of the fairy lake, accompanied by the faint mist, slowly fading away...

Sure enough, she is the number one talented woman!I have to adore her from the heart!

I lightly opened my thin lips, and I said from the bottom of my heart: "This song can only be found in the sky, how often do you hear it in the world! Second sister, your piano skills really make Feifei admire you, it's really great, I've never heard it before Such a nice song!"

I spoke so sincerely, Piao Piao finally got up slowly, and a voice like fairy music came from the sky. "Sitting on the edge of the fairy lake, looking at the invisible scenery in my heart, listening to the inaudible wind of the years, when the water waves piled up, the mist curled up, it was actually a touch of melancholy in my heart like smoke...Who once knelt for me Playing the qin, the crescent moon is like a song, the thread of the willow is like a rhythm, now there is no sadness...the beauty is lost, no one remembers it, even if there are endless poems and songs, who will make me feel sad and divorced... "

Ah, the second sister dares to love because she has a sweetheart!Seeing her in such a distraught state, she must be missing him very much!I don't know who that person is, but the person who misses Second Sister like this must be full of talent, chic and elegant, otherwise Second Sister is such a noble person, how could she easily give her heart to him?

"Second sister, you like him, don't you?"
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Chapter 29 Long talk between the sisters in the middle of the night
(End of this chapter)

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