The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 291 The Big Pervert Amnesia, Only He Doesn’t Know Me 3

Chapter 291 The Big Pervert Amnesia, Only He Doesn’t Know Me 3
Chapter 140 The big pervert has amnesia, but he doesn't know me


"Wait, second brother, what did you just say? You come to Feifei's place the most frequently, why do you still have to look for it for a long time? Say, what kind of tricks are you doing? Do you want me to avoid it so that you and Feifei Tell me what's on your mind? Huh? Hehe..."

"Feifei..." the pervert frowned and called softly, "This name seems to be quite easy to pronounce, but I don't know who she is. There are so many maids and servants in the palace, your second brother, I can't name every one of them. Remember!" After finishing speaking, she pampered her little forehead, as if blaming her for deliberately looking for trouble.When it was over, he turned his head and pointed at me, "Is it her?"

I hit my chest like a sledgehammer, staggered a few steps, and finally couldn't resist, and fell to the ground.He said... he didn't know me... he only regarded me as one of the servants in the palace...

"Feifei..." The little villain rushed over, helped me up, turned his head and said angrily to the pervert, "Second brother, what are you doing? Feifei just recovered from a serious illness, and you still say such things to tease her ?”

Yes, yes, Xiaobaibai reminded me correctly, the pervert must be joking with me...

"Uh...I'm sorry, I didn't know you were seriously ill just now." The big pervert was taken aback by the scolding of the little villain, then he came to his senses and came over to apologize to me very gracefully. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to find the little bad boy quickly, so I didn't pay much attention to you. What's wrong with you? Do you want me to ask the imperial doctor to come and take a look?"

His words were very polite and personable, but every sentence pierced my heart.He actually thought that my tears were because I was not feeling well...

"Big pervert..." I said with difficulty, "You really don't remember who I am?"

He was stunned, "So the 'big pervert' you called just now was actually calling me. Strange, I only think these names are familiar, but I really don't know who it is..." He looked at my heartbroken and desperate eyes, probably Some couldn't bear it, and added: "Don't worry, let me think about it...heh..."

"Think shit!"

The little villain has long been impatient, and usually likes to tease big perverts, and now the tiger is even more angry: "Second brother, have you been demoted by the hammer? You don't even know who Feifei is? You still have to think about it." Don’t pretend to be mean to me, even if it’s a joke, it’s not the way to play it! Say, have you been out to pick up girls during this time? Did you make a big mistake and fear that Feifei won’t forgive you, so you deliberately pretended to have amnesia? "

(End of this chapter)

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