Chapter 3 Wow!How did I get smaller?
Chapter 2 Wow!How did I get smaller?
When I woke up, I was actually on the shore.

The sun is shining in the sky, the willows are weeping on the shore, and the water is sparkling.

But I was lying on the ground dripping wet, and beside me, there was a man kneeling like an angel, oh no, boy.He has fair skin, delicate features, a small straight nose, and a slightly rosy mouth.

Wow!so beautiful!Regardless of the wet clothes on my body, I smiled at him, stretched out my hand to pinch his little face, and gently coaxed him: "Little angel, what's your name?"

"Heaven...angel? Is Feifei talking about me?" The little angel looked at me with a pair of clear eyes flashing.

But my heart moved, wow, the voice of the little angel is so nice, like Xuanze, the most popular love song prince in our class.

"Of course it's you, could it be me!" It's a bit stupid, but it's understandable!With beauty, can there be wisdom? He is so beautiful, of course he will be a little bit benzene!But I am excluded!Hoo hoo! (Author: People who say they are smart call themselves smart! Quack~~)

I pulled his sleeve and stood up, but suddenly discovered a huge problem!

"Ah—" I yelled proudly in the clear and clear voice of Tianxia Wudi, and the little angel took several steps back in fright, her face was pale with fright, and she stared at me with a pair of eyes in surprise, no Understand why I'm screaming so loud all of a sudden.

I stretched out my hands and shook them in front of my eyes, my fair and jade-colored skin dazzled my eyes in the sun.I was attracted by the little angel just now, and now I realize, "Why are my hands so small?"

This is clearly the hand of a 13 or 4-year-old girl!

"Feifei, you...what's the matter with you? You are always like this, what...what do you mean you have become smaller?"

Not afraid of death, the little angel approached him again. When I heard it, I stared at him with rounded eyes.In his clear and transparent eyes, he could see the bottom, full of concern and love.And...worry?
Oops!I hurriedly turned around and ran to the water's edge. The cool and cool lake water was emerald green like jade, and there were a few white fluffy clouds floating in the clear blue sky. Fog, a bit hazy, a bit extravagant, and a bit like in a fairyland.

A delicate face is reflected in the lake water, the slender willow eyebrows are like black, and they seem to be lifted up lightly, and the long eyelashes cover the watery eyes, shining with the brilliance of wisdom, the petite The nose is slightly erect, and a small mouth like a red cherry is purring slightly, as if there is some dissatisfaction!
No way, is this me?
I stretched out my hand, and she in the water also stretched out her hand, I raised my eyebrows, and she also raised her eyebrows in the water...

ah!Ruined!Dissatisfied, of course dissatisfied!Still quite dissatisfied!

This is not me!Not at all, nose, eyes and mouth, nothing is mine!

What's more, such a little beauty is good-looking, but she is too small!Absolutely no more than 15 years old, I dare to use my figure to block it!I think Feifei is in our class, but that is one of the hottest figures!I never sleep late, insist on exercising every night!It's not like Xiao Min, a slob who can sleep but never exercise!

But, how can such a little kid have such a beautiful figure like mine!
"Wow", I burst into tears...

Who will tell me what's going on!
I'm obviously fine, how did I become such a little kid?

(End of this chapter)

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