The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 307 The Empress Dowager’s Birthday, Xian Concubine Goes Crazy Again 7

Chapter 307 The Empress Dowager’s Birthday, Xian Concubine Goes Crazy Again 7
Chapter 140 Third Birthday of the Empress Dowager, Concubine Xian Goes Crazy Again


Ye Qianqian, if I can't kill you this time, I won't be called Ye Feifei!

Tackling you is just the first step, let Ye Chen take over the rest!Oh ha ha ha ~ ~ ~ I laughed silently and arrogantly!Mother... Feifei said that he will avenge you!
Fart King, it’s been a bit strange these days, everyone treats me very well, gentle and considerate, plus obedient, no harsh words like before, those evil eyes are gone, and all that is replaced by gentleness ...gentle...more gentle...

Damn, I was almost drowned by him!
Frankly speaking, I still prefer the old fart king who always glared at me!How imposing he was at that time, no one dared to resist if he said a word and farted.Of course, no one dares to resist now, but I always look weird, and I get goosebumps from time to time, his smile makes me feel even more scared, it is like a trap, a vortex, waiting for me to jump willingly go in!
After finally getting out of the trap of gentleness, when I returned to my room, it was already the end of the day, it was almost 9 o'clock in the evening, the king of stinky farts is really hard to deal with.Yan'er is still not here, I have some doubts, she is not my servant!

After lighting the lamp, I realized that Ziyu had already arrived.Immediately excited, I pulled him to study the ghost idea for a long time, and finally forced him to agree to me, and finally let him go.Without Chu Xuan's help, I can only find Ziyu...

Alas, Chu Xuan...Chu Xuan...I think of him again...

Wave your hands and shake your head, put aside everything, what I want is revenge, revenge!I have no love, only hatred left!As I said, take revenge by any means!

Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally looking forward to the birthday of the Queen Mother.

In the early morning, there was a lot of people coming and going in the palace, not only the palace people shuttled like weaving, but also the ministers inside and outside the court, the princes and monarchs of neighboring countries came to pay their respects early.The Fart King was already too busy to see his shadow, so he only told me to stay in the palace and take me to play after the banquet at night.Before leaving, he told me to wear the new clothes that Yan'er gave me.

The little villain is gone, and I am really bored by myself.Everyone is busy as hell, but I have nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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