Chapter 319 Princess and Concubine 2
Chapter 140 Four Princesses and Consorts


It was almost the end of the banquet, and everyone paid respects to the queen mother in turn. I was pulled by the king of farts to join him, and I was the first to pay respects to the queen mother.My heart skipped a beat, I don't know what the King of Farts said, I just feel like my head is spinning and I can't hear anything.

Suddenly I was pushed, and I turned my head to look, and the Fart King was looking at me with burning eyes, as if waiting for me to speak.

I looked at him in a daze, "Oh..." He sighed softly, and said to the Queen Mother for me: "On behalf of Feifei, Wang Er wishes the Queen Mother a longer life than Beidou and a long life!" Ugly.

That's when I realized that it was waiting for my birthday.

I pouted, thinking straight, why would I wish the old hag a birthday?I hate her so much, she killed my elder brother Chu Xuan, so I don't care about her!It's best to get your hair up tomorrow, I can't kill her, I can only draw a circle and curse her every day!

After finally waiting for everyone to pray, I thought I could leave, but I was stopped by the fart king.

I was suddenly very nervous, my heart beat faster, my mouth was dry, the roots of my ears and my face became hot at the same time, and gradually began to feel hot, even my palms were sweating.I felt that everyone's eyes were on me, I lowered my head, only looking at my skirt, the white gauze as light as a feather...

I only heard the voice of the stinky fart king echoing in the hall: "I want to announce two things today. One is to formally confer Ye Feifei, the daughter of Prime Minister Ye Chen, as the imperial concubine of my Eastern Kingdom, and give it to Yining Palace..."

My head exploded with a bang, could he be canonized without my consent?me…

"...Secondly, to marry Yunwang Dongfang Yunyi and Princess Yueyue of Xizi Kingdom, choose a date to get married..."

My heart was beating eagerly because of anger just now, but suddenly I heard the pervert being married to Yue Yue'er, and it was like a bucket of ice water was poured down on my head, completely freezing my rapidly beating heart!

I couldn't hear what the fart king said afterwards.

I just felt so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, my face was pale, my whole body was trembling, and I was clutching the front of my chest in pain, I didn't even see the anxious eyes of Ziyu and the pervert,

Suddenly, my heart seemed to be split open, "Pfft—" A stream of cold and hot liquid spewed out of my mouth, and I fell back stiffly...

(End of this chapter)

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