Chapter 335
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!

However, Feifei didn't know.I can't let her know!
She pursued tirelessly, but Chu Xuan kept it from her.But my dark guards told me that a man in black often appeared beside her, and his skill was so high that even they dared not approach her.

Feifei was led by that person, followed Concubine Xian, and eavesdropped on their conversations.

I am worried about her, Concubine Xian's maidservant Su Lan is talented, if she is found out, Fei Fei will most likely be silenced.Su Lan is a spy planted by Ye Chenxiang in the palace, don't think I don't know.Ye Chenxiang knew something about his father back then, and I even found out that Ye Chenxiang was a traitor of the Yelan Kingdom!

That's why he knew about the picture of Nalan Hundred Treasures!

It's a pity that he didn't know after all that the Nalan Baizhen map can only be reproduced if the two rings overlap!But he only knew how to question Queen Yelan, and even imprisoned her for 16 years!
I didn't get rid of Su Lan, just to play tricks, use Su Lan, send some fake news to him, let him have no credit for the past 16 years!
But that girl Feifei was determined to investigate to the end, but I was terribly worried!If Su Lan finds out, Feifei will definitely die!That night, when I yelled at her, she actually talked back to me recklessly!I was really angry at the time, I was worried about her safety, so I didn't let her wander around, let her be quiet!But she didn't appreciate it, and even went against me!
God knows, I ordered someone to beat her 20 times!

Her first scream broke my heart!However, her naughtiness also gave me a headache, so I decided to teach her a lesson, so that she would not be so presumptuous next time!Her singing actually came from outside, trembling and desolate, it hurt my heart!But slowly lowered, I was horrified and rushed out, only to see her fainted from the pain, her mouth was full of blood...

My heart stops beating!

Out of control, he shouted: "Bastard! Who told you to hit so hard? Pull them all down, cut them all!" I tremblingly picked her up, she was as light as a piece of paper, pale face, bright red blood, powerless Breathing, accusing me vividly, when they carried her back to the bedroom, they didn't see her, and I --- wept...

Those were tears of pain, tears of regret, tears of self-blame...

Before she was killed by Su Lan and the others, she had already died at the hands of Zhen... I held her and stood there in the bedroom like that, even forgetting to call the imperial physician.Only Chu Xuan, he was by my side, I knew that he was very willing to kill me at that time!
Yes, if he makes a move, I will not resist!

Because at that time, my heart had stopped beating, so how could I know how to resist?Feifei... little elf...I murmured calling...Chu Xuan finally gave up, turned around and called the imperial physician for me...
Fart King's extra volume will reveal a lot of mysteries, please read carefully````
(End of this chapter)

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