Chapter 337
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!
The ghost elf suddenly wants to bet with me, and I know how careful she is.

In order to make her give up, I have no room to refuse, so I agreed.But when I saw her four great inventions, I started to wonder!According to my information, Ye Feifei is an introverted girl who doesn't like to talk too much.And under the abuse of Ye Chenxiang since childhood, he didn't know the Four Books and Five Classics.She can write well!
Those blueprints, I asked the craftsman face to face, they were indeed drawn and written by her own hands.

Who is she?Not only are her temperaments completely inconsistent, but she is completely another Ye Feifei... I have become suspicious of her, so I ordered the secret guards to investigate, and the most important thing is to investigate the people who came into contact with her, especially the man in black with high kung fu...

The ghost must have known something, and tried every means to punish Xianfei.

That's right, I'm also worried that Concubine Xian won't be able to tolerate Feifei, and Su Lan is her maidservant, if they join forces to deal with Feifei, I'm really worried about Feifei's safety.It is impossible for me to stay by her side to protect her all the time, so when she urged me to invite Concubine Xian to have lunch together, I agreed.

But Chu Xuan's expression at that time was very strange, I knew that he was going to make a move!
Badass brought a jug of wine, and persuaded him to drink with Feifei.I know that the two of them want to condemn me. As for how to deal with Concubine Xian, I am really curious.In addition, I wanted to lure Chu Xuan to take action, so I deliberately complied with their request, one cup to the left, one cup to the other, non-stop...
But I still neglected it after all!
He was poisoned by Mongolian sweat medicine!I drank so many cups, no matter how good my skills are, I couldn't stand it. Before I fainted, I just didn't guess for a moment whether the medicine was given by Feifei, or it was broken, or it was given by the concubine Xian. of…

When I woke up again, I heard the sound of fighting all over the room. I didn't move, pretending to be unconscious.I heard bad shouts and curses, and Feifei shouted loudly to catch the assassin...

Suddenly felt a gust of wind hit, I lifted the quilt and rolled over.The assassin didn't expect that I was already awake, and was caught off guard by me. In this short time, a large number of guards rushed over, but there was no Chu Xuan inside...

Bad and Feifei fainted at the same time...
The assassin took the opportunity to kidnap Kuaibai, and everyone wanted to chase him. At that time, I knew better than anyone else that Kuaibai was absolutely fine!Sure enough, after a while, Chu Xuan came back with Badass in his arms.I asked casually, and he said that he was on patrol, and happened to see a man in black abducting the princess, and he tried his best to rescue her.

I nodded, keeping my composure.

(End of this chapter)

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