Chapter 340
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!
I was driven crazy by her and lost my mind. All the pain and depression collapsed in an instant, sweeping me like a flood.

I am in great pain and just want to find a gap to vent!Crazy lost her mind, suppressed her, kissed her frantically, demanded her life like a beast, tore her apart like a beast, ignoring her resistance, the more she screamed, the more excited I was, the more she cried, the more I felt Xuan Chang is incomparable...

At that moment, I didn't even know myself!

But when he touched the ring on her neck, he froze!At that moment, like a basin of cold water pouring down, there was only one thought in my mind, she loved Yunyi, she loved Yunyi... Ah!I'm really going crazy!
I feel the blood flowing through my whole body, I want to strangle her to death and destroy her with my own hands!

However, when she was only half breathed, I was terrified again!Feifei...I can't let you die...I can't!I hugged her body and desperately lost my true energy, I can't... Feifei can't die...

I would rather strangle myself than strangle her!

She... finally opened her eyes, and I asked in a weak and fragile trembling voice, "Is it really only Yunyi in your heart? Is it really only him? Even though I have done so much for you, you are still unmoved ?”

Don't think that since I am the emperor, I won't be vulnerable!

At that moment, I was really scared!Afraid she said yes!But... she still ruthlessly smashed the little bit of hope I had!She said, "She only loves Yunyi, she only loves Yunyi..." What was said later, I didn't listen to it at all, and I couldn't hear it...

Her words were like a thunder that shattered me into powder...

I know her heart, but she won't even tell a lie, even for me! know what, you're cruel!I can destroy the world, but you can destroy me forever!

All hope, shattered into ashes...

All the blood in my chest almost exploded away, condensed into a blood arrow, and rushed out of my body!And I couldn't help biting her, biting her shoulder... She cried out in pain... Feifei, do you know that my heartbreak is ten times more painful than the pain on your shoulder... One hundred Times... [-] times...

He... finally came...
I wrote until 3 o'clock last night
There are 21 chapters in the extra volume of King of Farts.
Feifei is now checking chapter by chapter to see if there are any omissions or mistakes.
Hehe, I wrote it in a daze, and I don’t even know it.
(End of this chapter)

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