Chapter 346
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!

On the Empress Dowager's birthday, I personally canonized Feifei as Imperial Concubine!Originally it belonged to the queen, but I thought about it and said it later.The empress is too courageous, I don't want her to work so hard, even if she is only the imperial concubine, the harem is only her world!I will deal with those women...

I only want her!
However, she was still sad about Yun Yi and Xi Ziyue's marriage!I thought she had already thought about it, but the smiles these days are all fakes!Won't she work hard?She was wearing that purple palace dress, she was really beautiful, but the blood she sprayed was even more beautiful, that blood-red flower...

I carried her and rushed back to the bedroom to recruit the imperial physician, but she tugged at the corner of my clothes and begged to see Yun Yi...

She is my nemesis!I gritted my teeth and ordered Xuan Yunyi, my entourage behind me, to come and meet...then I ran out of my bedroom...Leaving them a space to find outside, my own open space, a quiet open space, to lick their wounds alone...

Feifei, do you know that I love you more than you love Yunyi...

My elf, why do you abandon my heart and only remember the wounded person?It was the first time in my life that I was tempted by a woman, but it was also the first time that I was hurt by a woman... so badly wounded!
What about my emperor?Feifei, she doesn't love me...

Yunyi left, but Feifei was crying and laughing!I, with blood dripping from my heart, a smile on my face, and wounds in my eyes... I walked over and hugged her, she is already my imperial concubine, my concubine, I just want to love her well, Use the rest of my life to warm her...

"Give me my body, and my freedom!"

What a heartless sentence!It was like a knife cutting open my chest, all the blood and life flowed out, and what was left was a body without a soul, like a devil without a heart, pounced on her...

I'm out of control again!

Feifei, you are a lovely elf, but also a terrifying devil, let me live as I live, and die as I die!If you make me mad, you will go crazy, if you make me mad, you will become mad...Who will save me?Who will save you?

Bad Bad came holding a cup of wine, and Fei Fei took the lead to drink one!
My heart is a little brighter, and I drink it up with my head up!Bad bad persuades you to drink again, I don't want to refuse!If I was drunk, I would forget many things, many, many sad things, but unfortunately I was not drunk, but fell down...

Sweat medicine!I'm so stupid to forget the lessons learned...

When he woke up, Feifei and Badba disappeared at the same time!In a hurry, I ordered the whole country to look for them!And personally lead people to the rivers and lakes to find her... The palace, let's put it aside for now, there is nothing more important than Feifei...

Feifei, you know what?How many people want to kill you, and you will be safe only if you stay by my side!

I have never let you leave because of this!And you still left... Even if you go to the ends of the earth, I will definitely find you!You are my spirit and my heart, how can I live without my heart?
Feifei, protect yourself, I'm already on my way...

(End of this chapter)

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