The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 355 Roasted Sweet Potatoes Almost Burned the Temple 5

Chapter 355 Roasted Sweet Potatoes Almost Burned the Temple 5
Chapter 150 Roasted Sweet Potatoes Almost Burned Their Temple

I took a step forward to stand in front of Xiaobaiba, and said anxiously: "Master, we really didn't mean it. It's just because she was anxious and worried that she couldn't eat, and we saw some sweet potatoes in the backyard, so we wanted to bake some for her." She ate it, but she just set the hut on fire... But master, we absolutely did not do it on purpose! Really, really, you have to trust us!"

The monk shook his head slightly, "This matter must be decided by the abbot master. You go back with us first. After the abbot master asks the reason, he will make his own decision."

I was anxious, rubbing my head, "No way! We just went back with you like this. If your master abbot refuses to believe that we are innocent and locks us up, wouldn't we become a prisoner in your temple?" nun?"

If there are a few more Taoist priests, hey, they can fight the landlords!
The monk smiled slightly, "Don't worry, benefactor, if the benefactor is innocent, our abbot will never imprison the two of you casually. It's just that the two benefactors need to find witnesses to prove that you did not intentionally set the fire, and that's fine." "

I was even more anxious, "Where are we going to find witnesses?"

Please, we are fleeing, okay?If it is normal, if you want to find witnesses, you can find the king of farts!You can't say that we have a concubine and a princess, and we have nothing to do to burn your temple after eating too much, right?
However, now is a time of crisis. How can our identities be exposed for fear of avoiding them?
When I was sweating from anxiety, a person suddenly appeared from the slant, and said with a smile: "Master, I am willing to be the witness of the two of them, to prove that they are indeed innocent!"

Both of us were overjoyed at the same time, looking back with Xiao Huai Hua, we were shocked at the same time!Xiao Huai Hua even yelled out, "Chu Xuan?'re not...not..." I was so excited and unbelievable that I couldn't even speak!

The man was slightly taken aback, then shrugged coolly and said, "You two actually recognize me? Why don't I remember where I met you two?"

Xiaobaibai still wanted to talk, so I hurriedly stopped her, and said to Chu Xuan, "Thank you for being willing to testify for us." Turning around, I said to the monk, "Master, let's go!" Now that there are witnesses, I don't worry anymore!As for this Chu Xuan, if I interrogate him carefully later, I won't be afraid that he will fall out of my hands!Oh ha ha ha ~ ~ ~
(End of this chapter)

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