The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 392 Mistakenly a good person, pretending to be a princess Chapter Donglin Kingdom 3

Chapter 392 Mistakenly a good person, pretending to be a princess and returning to Donglin Kingdom 3
Chapter 150 Nine Mistaken Good People, Pretending to be a Crown Princess and Going Back to Donglin

He breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had made up his mind, and continued: "She is Ye Piaopiao, who was ordered to marry..." Before he finished speaking, I was already surprised loudly: "What? Ye Piaopiao? How could she Became your princess?"

The bookworm's body trembled, and I felt it sensitively. I pulled him past him and asked doubtfully, "You like Ye Piaopiao?"

His face turned red, then turned pale in an instant, and it took him a long time to calm down. He glanced at me and then immediately walked away, as if he didn't dare to look at me.I was angry, beat him up, and said angrily: "Oh my nerd, why are you so shy? If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it. What does a man look like? And oh, You said the princess is Ye Piaopiao, then the one I killed..."

I'm stuck!It can't be such a coincidence, can it?I smashed her to death?

Seeing that I misunderstood, the nerd quickly shook his hand and said, "It's not her, it's her maid, who married here!" The more I listened, the more confused I became, rubbing my head and said depressedly: "I said, can't you finish the sentence at once? ? I heard that one head and two are older..."

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, I think it should be in the direction of the east, and said faintly: "Do you still remember that when you and Huabai left Shangri-La that night, you told me to help you pay attention to the affairs of Prime Minister Ye Chen's mansion?" ?"

I nodded blankly, "Remember!"

"I saw her when I was monitoring Ye Chen's mansion for you. She turned out to be... yes... I met someone before, and that time was also a coincidence. I was admiring the scenery in a beautiful place, but I heard the sound of a piano flowing nearby, it was very beautiful, I..."

Haha, I already know what it is, and then he said: "So you also reconcile with the piano, and then the two of you will be in harmony with the piano, is it Bo?"

He blushed again at the meaning of my words, but he still couldn't help being surprised and said: "You... how did you know? Was... did she tell you? You two are sisters, she told you ,Yes or no?"

He was a little excited, but I pursed my lips and snickered!
Nerd, you turned out to be Piao Piao's sweetheart!She has only met him once, but she will never forget him!I decided to tease him, "Yes, the second sister once told me that she hated you to death! She decided not to talk to you anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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