Chapter 415 The Final Battle 9
Chapter 160 The Second Final Battle

Then I saw him running with "I" in his arms, ran to this cliff, and jumped off without even thinking about it!
"Don't!" I yelled, and jumped up to grab him, but suddenly a strong force grabbed me and lifted me up.I just woke up like a dream, and only then opened my eyes, only to see Murong Xueyan looking at me in horror, with one hand still grabbing my wrist, her body couldn't help shaking.

Could it be that I wanted to jump off the cliff just now, but was caught by Murong Xueyan just in time?

Seeing her miserable expression, it must be my unintentional weird act just now, let her believe in the theory of ghosts and gods even more!A gust of wind blows, and my face is actually cool!I actually cried just now...

That's right, only when she sees my true expression, will she be so convinced!
Murong Xueyan let go of my wrist, still tremblingly said: "Just now... what happened to you just now?" In order to exaggerate the atmosphere, I said in a more desolate way: "Why did you hold me? I saw the Fart King, I saw him hug me and jumped down, and he said, "If you die, Feifei, I don't even have the heart to destroy the world." Why are you holding me back? He is waiting for me to find he…"

At the end, I added another sentence, "He was about to tell me where I was, but you stopped me..."

"Did this ring tell you?" She saw me touching the ring just now, so she asked.Of course I followed her, and deliberately surprised: " did you know? Did you hear it too?"

Her face darkened, "He doesn't love me, how could he tell me!"

I felt awe in my heart when I heard it, could it be that the Empress Murong Xueyan also loves the King of Stinky Farts?Alas, in fact, she is quite pitiful. After being a queen, she can't get the love of her own man, and she has to watch her man's harem beauties constantly. No matter how good her temperament is, she will gradually pervert!
The two of them stopped talking at the moment, just leaned against the railing and looked into the distance quietly.

Suddenly Murong Xue straightened her body, clasped my wrist with one hand, turned around and said softly: "Come out to see me when you come, don't play tricks. Otherwise, I can throw her down at any time."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a few people flashing aside.

I recognized them all, and the first person was my elder brother Nalan Chuxuan.Isn't he kissing the villa?Why are you here?Could it be that Ziyu Feige sent a letter to inform him?The latter one is a big pervert who thinks about it day and night and dedicates his life!He hasn't changed at all, he is still the same as before, but his expression seems to be a little more serious, and he is no longer as smiling as before!Come to think of it, people who become emperors will gradually become deep...

(End of this chapter)

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