Chapter 417 The Final Battle 11
Chapter 160 The Second Final Battle

Murong Xueyan didn't say coldly until we had a conversation: "Okay, since you're all here today, it's not too late to talk about the past after you save your life!" The pervert said: "Dongfang Yunyi, you destroyed my Murong clan, today, let's end it!"

As she spoke, she tapped on me, and I fell limp to the ground. As soon as she floated, she attacked the pervert.

Among them, only Chu Xuan has the best kung fu, followed by Ziyu and Da Pervert.Even if the three join forces, I think it is slightly inferior compared to her.Murong Xueyan entangled the three of them by herself, but none of them could get out of their hands to save me, and they had to do their best to deal with her tricks.

The bookworm doesn't know kung fu, so he runs towards me.

Murong Xueyan knew that he had no martial arts, so she didn't interfere.The nerd helped me up, but as soon as he let go, I fell to the ground again.I had no choice but to help me again, but there was no other way.

I said softly: "Did you really not bring anyone here?"

He nodded, and replied very honestly: "Yes! She said, if you take someone with you and put something on your body, how dare we do it casually?" I rolled my eyes, "You won't wait until you are entangled Stop her, and then call someone else? Look, just like now, the three of them are fighting her, how can she have the time to threaten me? As long as there is a pair of archers at this time, let's see where she will escape! "

The bookworm's eyes widened, and Shun whispered in my ear again: "Don't worry, there are..."

I was overjoyed, "Where is the person?" Why don't you call out now that you are here?Really, it made me worry for nothing.The nerd actually gave a wicked smile, pointed back at himself and said, "It's me..."

I couldn't believe it, "No way? I didn't hit you, but you? How can you help me if you don't have the power to restrain yourself?"

His brows and eyes were full of joy, "Try it and see if you can move?" I tried it as I said, and it turned out to be able to move, and he quickly stopped him: "I still have to pretend that I can't move, I am One of them is a strange soldier. Don't worry, the kung fu is similar to your Dongfang Yunyi. As long as it is not easy, you will get unexpected results."

I gave him a hard look, "You can really pretend."

He smiled embarrassedly, we stopped talking and looked towards the field.I saw that Murong Xueyan seemed to be crazy, trying to attack the big satyr desperately, but fortunately there were Chu Xuan and Ziyu beside her, otherwise the big satyr would have been defeated and died long ago.Even so, he is still clumsy, and it is quite difficult to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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