Chapter 47 I hit the prince unexpectedly!

Chapter 40 I hit the prince unexpectedly!

"Ah, save..." Before he could utter the words, his shoulders felt numb, and his acupoints were tapped.

The big bird led me to spare the situation, and then lightly landed on the ground. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I was about to run away, but the big bird held my arms tightly, hurts !I couldn't make a sound even when I screamed, and I was extremely depressed.

I gave the big bird a hard look, and it turned out to be one of the people standing behind the guy I smashed last time.At this time, he was pressing me with a cold face to quietly go to the side of the enemy, and when I exerted force on my hand, I sat down without any resistance.

In the middle of the arena, there was a person who looked like a host announcing the results. Everyone's attraction was drawn to us, and almost no one paid attention to us, even the empress dowagers and concubines on the high platform.I looked to the opposite side, and the big satyr was staring at us closely, great, he found out.

I reached out and waved to him, and he nodded slightly.

"You know him?"

"Eh?" Suddenly there was an unwavering voice in my ear, I tilted my head, my lips felt cold, and I actually brushed past that person's face.I stepped back like an electric shock, covered my lips and stared at him.No way?Did I just kiss him? "Uh..." I was about to say, "You bastard, you actually took advantage of me!" But I could only make a guttural sound, I forgot that I was tapped by that stinky bird.

"What do you want to say? Scold me? Or laugh at me?" His eagle eyes seemed to see through me. Under his gaze, I felt like I had nowhere to hide.And I was so close to him, I felt his breath was so dangerous, it made my skin pimple, I had to stay away from him.

"The last time you stained my clothes with that black thing, I haven't settled with you yet. Huh! Your name is Ye Feifei, you are 15 years old, and you are the third daughter of Ye Chenxiang. You have been bullied all over the house, and you have no status at all. But last time you hit me with that damn thing so arrogantly, tell me, how should I punish you?"

His stiff voice was like thorns piercing my body, making me tremble.I couldn't speak, so I had to pretend to be obedient and invincible for the time being and listened to him, but I saw him lightly stretched out a finger and brushed my face lightly, I stepped back tremblingly, his eyes tightened, and He was about to wipe it over, but a hearty voice said: "Prince Xi, what do you think?"

I withdrew my vigilant eyes on him, looked around, "shua, shua, shua", all eyes were focused on him in an instant, but I heard a soft cry from the stage, and when I looked over, it was fluttering.She was looking at me with a look of surprise and doubt. I pointed to my mouth, then waved my hand, and then pointed to the guy next to me. Seeing this, Piao Piao couldn't help but her face changed, deeply worried.

The guy next to me suddenly said: "Where is the king? Why don't you see him? The prince is going to change his mind, can you make the decision?" The prince?He he he... he is actually a prince?I just heard that the host asked "Prince Xi", could it be him?So what is the West Prince?Could it be that the Eastern Prince and the Southern Prince are not successful?
snort!This guy turned out to be a prince!It's over, it's over, how did I provoke him?He even hit him with roasted sweet potatoes... Depressed!It’s really a lot of walking at night, and you can’t meet ghosts or step on landmines!
However, it is really his fault!Who told him to just wander around the streets, shouldn't all princes stay in the palace?Reading books, practicing swordsmanship, teasing court ladies, beating and scolding eunuchs, etc. Why do you come out on the street?
Just now I heard his tone was so arrogant, what does it mean to ask whether the king can make the decision when the king is not here!change idea?What idea?
Next episode preview:

Chapter 41 The West Prince wants me to be his concubine!
(End of this chapter)

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