Chapter 55 Who Is That Man?

Chapter 45 Who is that man?

Strangely, I talked with the pervert for a long time at the gate of the mansion, but no servant came out to greet me.Now that the pervert is gone, I have to go in by myself.To be honest, although this Minister's Mansion is my home, I don't feel at home at all. I played outside a few times, but now I don't want to go back at all!But no, mother is still inside, I have to rescue her.

I patted the door lightly, but there was no one there for a long time. I tried to push it, but it opened.

I looked around with my probe, but there was no one in sight.How is this going?very strange!Playing empty tricks?Who are you dealing with?The trees in the courtyard were lush and lush, and the sky in the evening was a little dark red, reflecting the silence of the entire courtyard, which was a little weird.I walked cautiously, my heart was inexplicably suspended, as if there were mines on the ground, I didn't dare to walk in openly.

Also, did I do anything wrong?Why do you want to do this?

However, the atmosphere around here is really weird, clusters of green trees form a shade, pavilions form a forest, and corridors connect to form alleys, as if it would never end.At this time, the sun had just set and the moon had not yet risen, but the mansion was as dark as ink. I groped timidly, feeling in my heart that there was a trap waiting for me to jump into it.

I felt a little uneasy, and the more I walked, the more confused I became, I couldn't tell the difference between the south, the north, and the north, and I was a little tired. I nestled in the corner of the corridor and rested for a while, panting lightly, when my heart skipped a beat, I turned my head to look, and saw a shadow quickly It flew to one side, and disappeared with a "shua".I shook my head, thinking I was wrong, but my heart understood, I did see it.

Curiosity kills!However, I couldn't help poking towards the direction where the shadow was cast, passing through a sea of ​​flowers and green forests, the scenery in front of me was vaguely familiar.The ground is covered with green velvet green grass, extending to the boundless, with crabapple flowers planted on both sides, the fragrance is faint in the dark night, and under the faint moonlight, there is a vast expanse of white in front. Is it a fairy lake?Then this should be the yard where I live.

Just as I was about to go in, I heard a faint sound of a piano, could it be fluttering?

She won the title today, and she was going to marry Prince Xi, but then the pervert and I left halfway, and I don't know what the outcome will be.Although they know that Piao Piao has another love in their hearts, they are ancient women who accept death, and they will do whatever their father says.Ye Chenxiang had always hoped that Piao Piao would be a concubine like a big sister, even if she couldn't enter the palace, it would be the same to marry the West Prince.Now that I don't know what's going on, I'll have to ask.

The sound of the piano is sad, shallow thinking is a disaster, and broken sounds are everywhere. When I step on it lightly, my heart trembles with pain.

Not far away, a familiar slender figure was plucking the strings, with a gentle voice, ethereal, chanting a poem over and over again:

A night of thin cold and a leaf of autumn
blue silk untied dream pillow sorrow

The curtain is full of clear frost and sighs in the distance
withered and broken twigs
Xiaofeng wants to speak and tears flow first

flow flow

Silver Lock on the Sideburns Looking West Tower

half-tone zither half-life shame

Drunk at the old pavilion on the top of the mountain

light gauze leaning against the railing
Fading away
when is the end of the world

take a break

Poor mirror Tim Xinshou
(The small words are original by the author, without lyrics, appropriate to the occasion, and composed by myself)

well!Piao Piao is missing that person!The meeting in that autumn, the entanglement of the zither and the zither, she...has finally engraved it on her heart.Poor Ding Jing Tim Xinshou, too thin and cold!Lovesickness becomes sick, if she continues like this, she will become thinner and thinner.No, I have to persuade her...

I took a step forward, and was about to speak comfortingly, when suddenly there was a wind blowing beside me, and before I could speak, one hand covered my mouth, dragging me back hastily, at the same time, the warm breath rang softly in my ear. Voice, "Shut up, I'm here to save you!"

I was startled, it was a man's voice! ——
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Chapter 46 Said I seduced wild men?
(End of this chapter)

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