Chapter 6 Wow, my God!
Chapter 5 Whoa, my god!
Da Furen was dizzy with anger, she tremblingly supported a servant girl beside her, pointed at me with shaking hands and waved the cane, and shouted to a group of servants behind her: " catch her quickly, today I will enforce the family law! Hmph! No... If I don't teach her a lesson, I won't be the eldest wife of the Xiangfu!"

"Yes!" A group of servants in blue coarse shirts quickly rushed towards me like casting a net, "Ouch!" I screamed, how could I forget that the woman had so many thugs?Run away now...

Passing through countless flower trees, bypassing countless pavilions, climbing over countless rockeries, and running through corridors one after another, the thugs behind me were getting closer and closer, and I was so tired that I almost fell to the ground.I didn't know where it was before, but when I turned around and saw the "chasing soldiers" behind me, I shouted anxiously: "I am the third lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion, after all, I am also Daddy's own flesh and blood, if you dare to hurt me, Master Xiang will never spare you, and will drive you all out of Xiangfu!"

As soon as these words came out, the servants froze in a hurry, and became obviously afraid.

Haha, I'm so smart!Why didn't I think of this sentence just now!Well, quick wit, quick wit ha!I also took the opportunity to support the rockery and panted heavily, mom, this is more tiring than running a marathon!
"Why do you stop? Catch her quickly. I'll take care of anything! If you can't catch her, all the regular money for this month will be deducted." They all rushed towards me.Alas, there is no way, people die for money, birds die for food, how could I forget such an important truth?What's more, the eldest lady holds the financial lifeline of the whole family, they can't afford to offend her!

"Ah, help! Da Furen instigated her subordinates to kill people!" Seeing those blue cloth shirts approaching again, I shouted at the top of my voice and ran like a jerk, I wanted to yell so that the whole house would know.If, unfortunately, I was caught and beaten to death by that big lady, it would be good for people to know that it was her who did it!
Hmph, I'm not that easy to deal with!
Running for my life, I was a little panicked, not to mention I didn't know the way at first, I heard voices in front of me, as if I saw hope, I ran to that side quickly, screaming louder, the more people there are, the better The better, I see how she still bullies me in crowded places?
"Lord, be careful!"

I saw a group of people coming in front of me, but when I ran over, I was suddenly pushed to the side by a strong force, and my forward momentum was instantly changed to fly sideways, "Ah—" I Yelling, there is a rockery next to it, do you want to hit me to death?
With a sudden jerk on his feet, his body turned dizzily and turned over in an instant, and finally fell into an embrace, and with a perfect speed in the air, he landed beautifully on the ground.

With my feet firmly on the ground, I felt a lot more at ease.Wow, was that light work just now?It's fun, flying in the air is more thrilling than our 21st century roller coaster!I really want to play again... Hehe...

"Thank you!" I raised my head, wanting to see what the person who saved me looked like, but I was stunned for a moment!

Wow!My God!How could there be such a handsome man in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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