The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 61 Tonight, I'm going to be fragile!

Chapter 61 Tonight, I'm going to be fragile!

Chapter 50 Tonight, I want to be vulnerable!

A dilapidated woodshed, a strong smell of dust, a half-open window, a stool, and a person.

This is the woodshed in the backyard of Qingyaxuan. I am in such a room, tied up on a stool by a lot of ties.A snobbish male voice pierced in from outside the door, "...Our master has an explanation, tell you bustards, watch her carefully, if you let her disappear, the master will make all of you in Xiuyaxuan disappear. And , she has been removed from the family tree by our master, as long as she is guaranteed to stay with you all the time, she is at your disposal."

I only heard the voice of the other person nodding and bowing his head and said reassuringly: "Yes, yes, please rest assured, the boss is entertaining distinguished guests. If you can't leave for a while, the younger one will tell our boss verbatim. Please don't worry, please don't worry. "

"Well, that's good. Let's go—" After a while of footsteps, the obedient voice just now hardened, and told the two burly men at the door: "You two, stay here, I will report Boss, don't make any mistakes, otherwise you and I won't be able to afford it!"

"Yes!" The two big men responded in unison, and then the man just flashed away like a gust of wind.

Life is like Song Zude's mouth, you never know who the next unlucky one will be!

Thinking about how I lived in the 21st century in style, why did I come to suffer in such a place where dogs don’t shit and birds don’t lay eggs?Who did I mess with?I didn't criticize the world, so why would I be allowed to come here in such a ghostly place?I can't be a rice worm when I come here, and I still have to suffer such a crime. I really committed crimes in my previous life, so I have to pay it back in this life?So depressed, I feel helpless and hopeless for the first time... This is a brothel!
Feifei Xiaoyu: Only when the pants lose their belts do they understand what dependence is!

Ah——, I'm so depressed!I miss my room, my computer, and the bunk bed at school!There are also my mother's wordy day in and day out, the teacher's earnest teaching and the envious eyes of my classmates!In the past, I was such a cheerful and lively girl. My studies were above average, and my family conditions were not bad. house?I'm used to that kind of life, and I even have a strong dependence on that kind of superior life. Is it because of this, God is jealous of me, so he threw me here?

Alas, he sighed deeply, and a feeling of melancholy came to his heart suddenly.

Silently, I go up to the west building alone, the moon is like a hook, the lonely sycamore tree, and the deep courtyard is locked in the clear autumn.Cutting constantly, the reason is still chaotic, it is the sorrow of parting, not the general feeling in my heart.For some reason, I suddenly thought of this poem in my heart. Among these gentle and affectionate sentences, my favorite is the last sentence. Don’t be so ordinary!
There was only one small window half-opened in the firewood room, but there was also a trace of breeze coming in, gently wandering around me, lifting the drooping strands of my temples, and pulling out a burst of heartbreaking love.Delicate and charming, cautious, graceful, roundabout, soft and delicate like the artistic conception in that word, just a gust of wind, unexpectedly messed up my whole head of thoughts, provoked the feelings of constant cutting and chaos, and the thin entanglement...

In some confusion, the handsome face of the pervert faintly swayed in front of his eyes, especially the pair of red phoenix eyes, always full of smiles, which makes people hate but unforgettable, the eyes are dark and bright, brilliant If meteor.The greenery in the spring night, the long rice fields outside the window, the gentleness in the Xiaofeng, and the faint orchid-like fragrance, all kneaded into a song that is sung softly at night, lingering in my ears and heart Whispering a sad and beautiful little tune in the world of mortals, the moonlight is like water, a faint fragrance of silence sneaks into the heart, the window flowers make shadows, and the flowers bloom for a lifetime...

Another gust of breeze kissed her, and suddenly felt a slight chill on her face, it turned out that tears were already falling down her breasts unconsciously.

I was startled suddenly, when did I become so fragile? ——
Next episode preview:

Chapter 51 The Lady's Special Confession
(End of this chapter)

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