Chapter 69 The pervert is actually crying!
Chapter 55 The pervert is actually crying!
The two little girls have never seen such a battle, they were so scared that they were in more pain than me, their faces were all pale, and they dared not touch me.

Me too, the pain was so painful that my nerves were pulled, and before they touched me, I was already screaming and gasping.In the end, there was nothing I could do. I asked them to bring scissors, and cut the parts that couldn’t be removed with scissors. Some of the cloth embedded in the wound was coagulated by blood and stuck inside, so I couldn’t get it out.

I told them to ignore it for now, and I went straight into the water. After soaking in hot water for a while, the fabric of the clothes would naturally soften, so it would be easier to tear...

The two little girls cried more sadly than me, but I had to comfort them both.They only thought of me as a girl who was sold into a brothel but refused to accept customers and was severely beaten by the bustard.

Only then did I know from their mouths that women's screams are often heard here in the middle of the night, and there are always women who can't stand the beatings and lose their lives in vain.Like me, it is still the lightest!
I was furious when I heard that, I was very righteous in my bones, and when I swung my arm vigorously in the water, I pulled the welts on my body again, and the pain caused me to twitch my brows and tear my eyes, and the two girls felt distressed again , I desperately let myself hold back the tears, strong, strong, I must be strong.

After taking the medicine, I got into bed naked.Fortunately, the medicine given by the young master can temporarily relieve the pain, otherwise I would not be able to lie down or lie down.The two girls are next door to me, and I let them rest after cleaning up.

There was a waning moon outside the window, faintly hidden in the thin clouds, revealing a silver shadow, I suddenly felt extremely wronged in my heart, and couldn't help wet the pillow towel.

After a long time, I smiled bitterly again, life has suffered me, but I can't suffer myself!
At the moment, I tried my best to think about some happy things, but I unconsciously thought of the big pervert. From the time I met him to the time when he rescued me from Baihuayan, there was actually a little bit of sweetness in my heart.

His smiling face seemed to be dangling in front of my eyes, and a voice in my heart faintly said, no matter how miserable I am, I believe that tomorrow will be beautiful!But for a moment, I couldn't help being stunned. The reality is obviously cruel, and I still have to pretend that tomorrow is beautiful.Isn't this more cruel?

In a daze, I don’t know when I fell asleep. I just felt sore, itchy, numb, cold and hot, and I was weak. I slept very restlessly, but I couldn’t wake up. After half a century, there are always inaudible cries and noisy voices in my ears, like scolding, like scolding, like endless nagging...

I seemed to have done a long-distance run. I was sweating profusely, my whole body collapsed, and my dangling body seemed to fall to the ground. I was startled and woke up instantly.As soon as I opened my eyes, an extremely magnified face hung above me. I was startled, and it took me a long time to see it clearly. I couldn't help but blame: "Hey, big pervert, why are you so close to me? You want to scare me?" Kill me? If people are scary, they will scare people to death!"

Ah, the voice is hoarse, with no timbre at all, as dry as lifeless sand in the this my voice

But I heard the big satyr trembling with emotion: "Feifei, you... are you really awake? Am I dreaming? You scolded me just now, which means you are really awake. Great, I will guard you It's been seven days, and you've finally woken up! It's great, you finally didn't let me down..." You were choked up before you could finish speaking, and crystal tears welled up in those charming Danfeng eyes, full of so much love , just hit my face gently...
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Chapter 56 Get caught by the pervert!
(End of this chapter)

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