Chapter 76
Chapter 62 Buy a Scholar for 1 taels

I was in a hurry, but I couldn't get my mouth in. In my desperation, without even thinking about it, I yelled in Wudi's voice: "Everyone shut up——"

There was a sudden silence all around.

Uh... I found that everyone focused their eyes on me "swish, swish, swish", I coughed lightly, "Ahem, everyone, go on! I'm just doing nothing to practice my voice. When I see the injustice, I let out a yell. After the yelling I'll keep going...bye!"

Karma——, I was caught in my pigtails in a sneaky posture, and a hand stretched out from nowhere, suddenly grabbed the back collar of my clothes, poor me, I was picked up like a little chick stand up.

"You let go of this young lady, it's none of her business." Uh... that scholar is really kind-hearted, he still remembers to excuse me at this moment.

"Miss...Miss...ah! Let go of my miss, let go!"

Qing He was almost lost, but she heard my invincible voice before looking for it, but when she saw my embarrassing appearance, she was also eager to protect the Lord, and she desperately snatched me away from that person.

"Miss, are you okay? Did they bully you? Why did it happen?" Qing He didn't change her wordiness, and kept asking worriedly while helping me tidy up my clothes.

But I turned to the big guy who was carrying me, wow!So tough!At least 1 meters tall, thick and strong, with beards all over his face, his face was sallow and oily, and he had a sour smell that I could smell a few steps away.I really wonder if he killed a pig...

I frowned, hating the smell.

"Hey, why are you carrying me? Did I offend you? Did I rob you of your money? Or blocked your way? Or scolded you? Or didn't you pay for your meal?..."

The big man was dumbfounded by my question, and impatiently growled ferociously: "Where did you come from, you dare to meddle in my business. You are impatient with life..." He stretched out his hairy arm and was about to Come over and grab my clothes, a moon-white figure slanted in front of me, "Brother, it's none of this young lady's business, please don't make things difficult for her. As for what I just said, do you believe me or not?" If you don’t believe me, there’s nothing you can do about it, if you can’t, go see the official.”

Driven by curiosity, I grabbed the scholar's arm and asked, "Hey, what's going on? Why did he pester you? Is this your stall? He overturned it all? Why do you want to see an official? I Is there anything I can do to help?"

Uh... The scholar was stunned for a while, Qinghe reminded in a low voice: "Miss, you ask so many questions at once, how do you answer... I think we should just keep our business out of the way, go back quickly..."

Some people around the audience laughed, and even pointed at me.

I pushed Qinghe away, chased the scholar and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you. I don't like the behavior of serving the strong and bullying the weak the most. I think that when I grow up big, I will treat myself as a King Kong? Humph! Today's I'll take care of my business! Tell me, and I'll help you get justice."

I patted him on the shoulder proudly, which made the scholar tremble again in fright.Qing He hurriedly tugged on my sleeve, winking at me to pay attention to my image, how can a lady pat a man on the shoulder indiscriminately.

(End of this chapter)

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