Chapter 79 Wow!Simply an all-rounder 2
Chapter 63 Whoa!He is simply an all-rounder!

I coughed lightly, "Ahem, let's do another poem, this time it's a little more difficult, and I'll use the scene in your poem just now as the title, but it must be acacia rhyme and creative, otherwise it's the same, but It’s boring.” I deliberately made things difficult for him, originally Hehuan rhyme is as difficult as Rao rhyme, and there must be innovation, if I think it’s not good and he can’t impress me, I can always say that there is no innovation.Oh ha ha ha, I smiled, let's see what you use for my exam, ha ha~~
Unexpectedly, he just turned around, looked at me and smiled, as if he knew that I was deliberately making things difficult for him, his faint eyes were shining like stars, and he softly whispered to me:
Chun Yueming,
Qiu Yueming,
The spring and autumn moon is bright and the moon is bright.

There is even a beautiful piano in the scene,
Qin Xiao Heming,

The moon is bright, the moon is bright, and the moon is going down.

singing today,
ancient songs,
Songs of modern and ancient times sing about love.

In love there is love Wanting,
Pavilions and mountains reflect each other,

Sing a love song Zhongping.

(The small words are original by the author, Ping: this is aquatic plants, here refers to wandering.)
I was startled, and recited his words several times in a daze, savoring them carefully. It is another acacia rhyme, and the scenes in the words are blended together, and the conjunctions correspond to the previous poem. It is really a very good word!Wow, it's so fucking talented!Are the ancients all so powerful?I just asked for a Hehuan rhyme, so he used so many in a row?I think it’s okay to say that it’s not good, otherwise wouldn’t it appear that I don’t have the level of appreciation?
I can't help but want to praise him, but I still don't give up, but I can't help but smile, "I don't need the song, let's make another fu, and I will summarize the last two songs. There must be sadness and joy, and sorrow There is joy, there is a past, and there is a future!"

This guy is really talented, and the poem does not hurt the feelings, the scene is not sad, it is really a carnival!
But seeing his brows and eyes warm, he thought for a while, and opened his mouth to say:
Moshang is cold, and there is a dream of silence and green smoke.

In the depths of falling flowers, a thousand petals of rain form a curtain.

There is a Yiren who lives alone in the ancient pavilion.

The sunset is faint, and the strings of the guqin are played lightly.

Its voice is ethereal, like a fairy in the moon.

Water emerges from its face, as startled as a hibiscus face.

His smile is dust-free, as clear as the tip of a lotus.

Its appearance is clear, as light as the lake.

Its skills are amazing, sighing like pointing at the lotus.

A fairy sound, Yunhe is leisurely.

Reunion halfway, only white-headed thoughts.

Two cups of Xin tea, green leaves with red faces.

Three lives are special, don't let this good fate go.

(This Fu is "Moshang Yiren Fu", the author's original work.)
Fu is an important style of Chinese classical literature, and the No. 1 character Fu used as a style should be Sima Qian.The marginal style between poetry and prose is between the two, and Fu is closer to poetry.During the period from the Han Dynasty to the early Tang Dynasty, Fu was closer to poetry than literature, but poetry and Fu must be two styles of writing. Generally speaking, poetry mostly creates writing for emotion, while Fu often creates emotion for writing.Poetry focuses on expressing emotions, while Fu focuses on narrative objects.Liu Xizai, a native of the Qing Dynasty, said: "Fu is different from poets. Poetry has less emotion but more vocal emotion, and Fu has less vocal emotion but more speech emotion."

Nangong Xinran's love is higher than mountains, longer than water, and the words contain deep resentment, which really makes people's hearts move.The first few sentences describe the feeling of sadness and loneliness. Suddenly, I met a Yiren playing the piano, and I have been thinking about it ever since.Bixing has been often used in Fu since ancient times, but he used this method to fully display the demeanor and charm of the Yiren.The following few sentences express my heart, the loneliness and sadness in the past have turned into the special treatment of the three lives in the future, don't let this happen!

I was so excited that I jumped up and gave a thumbs up, "You are so talented!" Even Qing He couldn't help but exclaimed: "Young master is really talented, and you can write poems!" "Now, miss Can you take me in?" He smiled lightly, the moon-white gown was blown up by the breeze in the pavilion, the sun was warm and pleasant, and standing against the sun like this, he was really elegant and extraordinary.

"Ah, I thought of a way to settle you!"

(End of this chapter)

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