Chapter 89 The First Gold Medal Slave 2
Chapter 72 The First Gold Medal Slave

"Well, the money has already been given to the boss of Xiuyaxuan."

"Ah! You Benz, I said that I am not Xiuyaxuan's sister, but you actually gave her the money? It hurts, it hurts, you should give me the money! I don't care, I didn't receive the money, Our business does not count!" I will never let go of the opportunity to cheat. "Besides, it's not fun in the palace at all. It's too easy for the empresses and concubines in the harem to punish me as a servant. They want to rub me into a round shape, and I'm sure I can't flatten it! Yes, in case I accidentally offend some noble person, I am not familiar with the place where I was born, and I don’t know how I died. In case you can’t find me someday, you probably didn’t even pick up my corpse. Oh, what princesses, princes, chief eunuchs or old mothers, and queen mothers, oh my god! Any one of them will kill me, it’s over, it’s over, I’m really going to die..."

The more I thought about it, the more afraid I became. The imperial palace is simply a city of ghosts. I don't want to stay here if I cannibalize people without spitting out their bones!
"Is it as scary as you said? I don't think..."

"Cut! You are the emperor. Even if they have any conspiracy to hide from you, how can they let you know? They really won't let you see it. What you see is definitely not true! Since ancient times, there have been open and secret fights in the imperial palace. How terrifying, there are countless people who died unjustly. In the well, in the pond, in the darkroom... Wait, there are bones of the unjustly buried everywhere! Alas, anyway, how horrible you think, just How terrifying!"

In fact, it wasn’t so scary at first, but I frightened myself first, imagining those terrible palace fights in TV dramas, why is this palace a bit like a mass grave?It seems that what you are stepping on is a dense barrier built up of other people's bones!
"Well, since you're afraid, I'll give you a gold medal." As I spoke, I took out a golden thing from my bosom, and I reached out to take it, ouch, it's still a little heavy. "From now on, you will be my dedicated gold medal servant. Without my permission, no one can command you to order you, so you won't be afraid of being called to kill you, right?"

"Wow, really? You are the only one who can command me? Can't everyone else? Including queens, queen mothers, princes, etc.?" I couldn't believe it. This guy is really perverted. Fierce, as if trying to strangle me to death, so good again in a while, get me a gold medal?If this is the case, hehe, it seems that it would be nice to spend a few days in the palace...

"Of course! Do you think this gold medal is for fun?" He was slightly annoyed, and I quickly smiled when I saw it. From now on, he will be my master and my backer. It is best not to offend him!Picking up the gold medal, flipping through it and studying it carefully, the color of Huang Chengcheng is quite good. If you take it out in the future, it will definitely sell for a lot of money.

Carefully put it away, turned around and bowed lightly to him, and said with a charming smile: "Your Majesty, is there anything you need slaves to do now?"

"Well," he nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand. I walked up to him in a few brisk steps, but he hugged me around the waist, turned around and walked into the room.The room inside is deep, with brocade curtains and curtains, a slight breeze comes in, helping him lift up layers of gauze curtains, an exquisite screen, with flowers, birds and beauties vaguely painted on it, just a glance, I didn't see it clearly, when I crossed the screen, suddenly there was a big bed inside.

(End of this chapter)

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