Chapter 94 Nonsense, who wouldn't!
Chapter 78 Nonsense, who wouldn't!
I cleared my throat, and intentionally greeted the Queen Mother loudly and sweetly: "My servant Ye Feifei greets the Queen Mother Lafayette, the Queen Mother Lafayette is auspicious!"

The surrounding immediately became quiet, the queen mother frowned, and finally said, "Lafayette? What do you mean? What did you say to the Ai family, little girl? Explain clearly, the Ai family can't understand!"

Didn't Su Yan'er yell for someone to come just now, but at this moment, a few guards rushed over, but they saw the Queen Mother present, and they just stood there quietly, waiting for the Queen Mother to give orders.

I lowered my hands, just blocking the gold medal, so they didn't see it, and now is not the time, and I will show it inadvertently for a while, and then I will receive unexpected results!
Qingshui smiled like a lotus, and I am very small, so I said innocently and purely at this moment: "Back to the Queen Mother Lafayette, this "Lafayette" refers to women with a status like the Queen Mother. The Tathagata is the head of the gods, and this Buddha is the ancestor of the Tathagata. Think about it, Queen Mother, the Tathagata has lived for tens of thousands of years, and his ancestors are still alive, and they are immortal. Lafayette refers to the Queen Mother The head of the gods is also the Buddha who is still alive after thousands of years!"

I guess people in ancient times believed in Buddhism, but superstition was their big problem.

I talk nonsense, just to make her happy.I don't understand the etiquette here, anyway, I have watched court dramas of the Qing Dynasty, so I just follow the way of salute in it and just perfunctory.Fortunately, they are all pretty much the same. The queen mother didn't pick any faults, but she was a little shocked by what I said just now.

I thought about it carefully, she should be happy...

Oh ha ha ha, this is easy to handle.It seems that the old people are coaxed by the juniors, so I can fool them by making up a few lies?Then I will continue to make up stories, nonsense, who wouldn't!

"Hmph, little girl talking nonsense, you are a young girl who knows nothing about Buddhism! Don't just say a few good words to trick the Queen Mother, otherwise how can you break the Queen Mother's longevity? Still throw it on the ground? I saw you earlier The Empress Dowager doesn’t even salute, so don’t just think about it! I think you are disrespectful, and you should be executed according to the law!”

The Empress Dowager's expression was relaxed, but hearing Su Yan'er's roar, her brows gathered again.The long nails shone brightly in the sun, shining with seven colors of light, which was particularly dazzling.I glanced at the crowd indifferently, the queen didn't seem to be there, Su Yan'er was a noble concubine, obviously the leader of the crowd, no wonder she kept attacking me endlessly.

But my so-called eldest sister, Ye Qianqian, frowned and glared at me, as if she wanted to tear me apart.On the other hand, the other concubines around seemed to be thinking about what I said just now, but after hearing what Concubine Su said, they seemed to be looking forward to a good show. It is estimated that as long as Concubine Su was at a disadvantage, they would They will step forward to provoke, lest the world will not be chaotic.

I am angry!
KAO!That Su Yan'er seems to be having sex with me, she won't let it go unless she tramples me down and crushes me to pieces!Damn it, I didn't offend her, so why are you targeting me?Hmph, Smelly Concubine, you really offended me!I, Ye Feifei, am a narrow-minded person, and I believe in the principle that it is never too late for a little girl to take revenge.

You just wait, I want to make you feel ashamed, go back and make a mask for free!
(End of this chapter)

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