Chapter 96
Chapter 79 The Verbal Concubine

I finished speaking slowly, uttering every word clearly, watching the Queen Mother nodding slightly, hey!Looking at the face of Concubine Su Gui, it was obvious that she also nodded at the Empress Dowager, and couldn't help feeling annoyed and frightened for what she said just now...

deserve it!She is a waste of air if she is alive, a waste of land if she is dead, and a waste of RMB if she is half dead!

Concubine Su was in a hurry, "Presumptuous! You wild girl, can you be allowed to act wild in front of the Queen Mother?"

I agreed casually: "Yes, yes, imperial concubine, how can you yell in front of the Empress Dowager Lafayette? Is this considered disrespectful?"


Oh ha ha ha, if love doesn't show off its power, you think I'm the first one?If I can't kill you, I'll piss you off, if I can't piss you off, I'll suffocate you, if I can't suffocate you, I'll drown you with saliva!Oh ha ha ha, victory is in sight, I have to add more oil and more fire, the queen mother is already smoking, and it is about to burn...

"The empress dowager Lafayette is the head of the gods. Feifei is a mortal, not as smart as the imperial concubine, so of course he can't guess... Fortunately, the imperial concubine guessed without authorization. I think it is not what the empress dowager Lafayette meant. Otherwise, it would be desecrating the Dharma. , that would be a serious crime! The Empress Dowager Lafayette is merciful, and her cultivation is naturally superior to others, and ordinary ordinary people will not be able to express her wishes!"

"You..." The imperial concubine Su Yan'er was so angry that my face was almost twisted into several pieces, but she was powerless to refute. I was so happy that my heart was cramping, but I tried my best not to laugh, holding back desperately, Alas, that is also a very painful thing.

Looking at the Empress Dowager again, her complexion changed again and again. The imperial concubine Su Yan'er was angry and anxious, but she didn't dare to look at the Empress Dowager again. She turned her head and could only express her grievances on Ye Qianqian. , a pair of winking eyes, but stared at Ye Qianqian fiercely full of viciousness.

Ye Qianqian trembled uncontrollably, her face turned pale, and she turned her head to look at me, her eyes that were full of timidity just now turned sharp, she stared intently, her trembling voice trembled. And he said to the Empress Dowager: "Empress Dowager, Feifei has been naughty and ignorant since she was a child. Her mother was a slave that my father bought back in the brothel, and she has no talent. That's why Feifei is so ignorant. She likes to show off since she was a child." With the power of tongue, our Ye family can't control her anymore, so please ask the Queen Mother to discipline her!"

Wow, Ye Qianqian's move is quite powerful. First, he changed the topic, then revealed my fault again, and then severely damaged my mother. Now I really have no status, no tutor, no Rules, rude wild girl!It's really amazing, I can't help but look at her more.

The queen mother remained silent, and Concubine Su did not dare to speak casually anymore. The concubine in pink clothes said again: "Yes, queen mother, it is true that this girl broke your longevity, no matter how nicely she said it , but her actions are already disrespectful! It can be seen that what she said just now was just to excuse herself. The obvious inconsistency is just a well-spoken lie! Wan Shouchun was planted by the late emperor for the empress dowager The precious tree that represents the relationship between the late emperor and the empress dowager has a long life and longevity, but now it is so ruined by this wild girl, it really deserves to be struck by lightning!"

(End of this chapter)

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