Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 314 Beauty, let your man take me out!

Chapter 314 Beauty, let your man take me out!

Lin Nuanyue patted her chest and promised: "Don't worry, Mom will definitely rescue your brother, ha. Wait for good news from Mom."

After Lin Nuanyue hung up the phone, she stood up confidently.

It's not a love/person at all, it's a third party, it's a real brother.

She just said it was a misunderstanding.

How could Luo Bing mess around with other men?

Lin Nuanyue turned around directly and walked towards the stairs.

And Bai Hui just turned around too!
Lin Nuanyue hurried over, trying to catch up with Bai Hui.

But Bai Hui walked so fast that she couldn't catch up.

Lin Nuanyue narrowed her eyes, pulled the corners of her lips, and quickened her pace again.

When she went up to the second floor, she heard a bang in the room!
The corner of Lin Nuanyue's lips twitched, he must have done it on purpose.

Obviously, he should know that he is right behind him.

Lin Nuanyue hurried towards the direction of the room.

Bai Hui picked up the phone in the room, and the moment the call was connected, a sneer formed on the corner of his lips, and he said to the person on the phone in a condensed voice: "How is he?"

A respectful voice came from the other side very quickly: "Master, this kid has delicate skin and tender flesh. He passed out again after just hitting him once."

Well, the last time I only hit him twice, I passed out.

Moreover, it takes several hours to become dizzy.

When Bai Hui heard this, his eyes narrowed coldly.

"Have you eaten?"

"That's right. It's what you said, you can't let him starve to death. But this guy didn't eat much, he just said that this dish didn't suit his appetite."

Of course, he will definitely not be given good food and drink.

Bai Hui narrowed his eyes coldly again.

"Give me a good look at him!"

"Yes." There was a reply.

"When he wakes up, let me know!"

"Okay, sir."

After hanging up Bai Hui's phone, the subordinate took a look at Feng Lie, and muttered to himself, "This man is so precious, I didn't even use much force, just like that, he passed out."

After the muttering, at an angle that this person couldn't see, Feng Lie's lightly closed eyelashes flickered for a moment!
He was locked up!

There are two people in the room, but there are more than two people outside the room.And it can be seen at a glance that these people's kung fu is good.

Feng Lie knew right away that with his strength, it would be difficult for him to get out of here!
If you think about a beauty, you won't ignore him, will you?
Perhaps, the beauty is also difficult to protect herself.

Feng Lie couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips in a self-deprecating way at the time. He who has always played around with life, now he will be reduced to the point of being taken away and imprisoned for a beauty!

When those people's fists were waving towards him, he passed out with just two blows!

Of course it can't be really dizzy!
It was too late and he was sleepy too.So I slept until it was bright.

When he woke up, he didn't open his eyes.

Just stayed there for another two or three hours in a lazy manner.

When his stomach growled with hunger and someone seemed to be bringing food, he quietly opened his eyes.

Since I gave him food, it seems that I don't really think about what to do to him.

Feng Lie was almost certain at the time that he was trying to teach him a lesson.

The dishes were not to his liking, so he ate a little.Just watched those people wave their fists at him again.

He rolled his eyes, and "fainted" after punching.

But I was thinking in my heart: Beauty, hurry up and let your man take me out! !

(End of this chapter)

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