Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 322 Don't want to tell me?

Chapter 322 Don't want to tell me?
Feng Lie took a deep look at her, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go out and buy it for you!"

"Thank you."

Feng Lie looked at her again, "So thin? Size S?"

Bai Keer nodded.

Because of Bai Ke'er's talent, she is still a little petite.Although she can wear Luo Bing's clothes, they are all slightly loose.

Feng Lie turned around and went out.

Bai Ke'er walked into the bathroom and closed the bathroom door.

She turned on the shower, stood under the shower head, and let the warm water wash over her body.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her small face was pale.

She bit her lip, shook her head vigorously, and rubbed her small hands hard on her body until finally her body turned a little red.

In the end, she swiped it three times with the body wash, and took the cup over there, which contained a toothbrush. She hesitated for a moment, but took it over, and rinsed her mouth again and again.

After rinsing his mouth, he put the toothbrush back into the cup.

Bai Ke'er's small hand gently supported her rosy lips, and a coldness gradually filled her eyes.

Feng Lie gently knocked on the door, "Hey, little girl, are you alright? Now hand me your pajamas?"

Bai Ke'er's little face showed a hint of vigilance, but she really didn't want to wear that suit because she felt it was so dirty.

Besides, she couldn't go out in his bathrobe.

He can't let him put the clothes he bought for her on the ground.

Bai Ke'er thought for a while, then frowned, "Then...you can turn around and hand it to me."

Feng Lie didn't hesitate: "Okay!"

Bai Ke'er walked slowly to the door, hid herself behind the door, gently opened the door, and then saw Feng Lie with his back to her, with one arm stretched back, holding a water blue Bai Ke'er stretched out her little hand to take over the long skirt.

After closing the door, Bai Ke'er changed into the skirt.

After changing her skirt, Bai Ke'er opened the bathroom door and walked out.

Feng Lie leaned against the wall viciously, and when she saw her come out, he raised his eyes, "Do you want to eat something with me?"

Bai Ke'er is not hungry, it's not night after all, but she still nodded, "Okay."

How could the food in Bai's house suit his taste? Feng Lie wanted to eat some delicious food to comfort his stomach.

He followed Bai Ke'er to the restaurant and asked for a private room, which was very quiet.

From ordering to serving, Bai Ke'er was always in a state of mind wandering, with an absent-minded expression.

Feng Lie knew that something was wrong with her.

When the food came, he looked at her, "Don't you want to eat?"

Bai Ke'er shook her head blankly.

Feng Lie ate these delicacies by himself.

After eating, he didn't leave in a hurry. He leaned back, and Feng Lie's eyes fell on Bai Ke'er's little face. He tapped the table twice, "What happened?"

Bai Ke'er looked at Feng Lie in a daze, bit her lip lightly, and the coldness slowly appeared in her eyes.

Feng Lie is not familiar with her.They had only met once before.

But he is someone he met with Sister Luo, and he helped her just now...


She shook her head.

"You don't want to tell me?" Feng Lie raised his eyebrows, "Then do you want to call the beauty?"

Bai Keer shook her head again.

Feng Lie frowned slightly, "Then do you want to call your parents?"

(End of this chapter)

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