Chapter 330 Hit him for me!

This is a dark alley, and they are in a dark rental house deep in the dark alley.

Here, who will pass by?
Even if you pass by, so what if you hear it? !

This place is a mixed bag.

Newspapers and magazines have reported cases of rape//violence of girls, and it happened in this dark alley.

"Liu Ling, let me go!" Bai Keer's body was trembling.

Why did Liu Ling let her go? His cold eyes became more and more cruel, and he also rushed towards Bai Ke'er.

Bai Ke'er struggled desperately.

The good clothes were almost ruined by Liu Ling.

Tears fell from the corners of the eyes.

Despair flashed across Bai Ke'er's heart.

The people standing on the side were just watching the fun.Who is willing to step forward to stop it.

They are all in one gang.

All they care about is money.

It's even more impossible for them to care about Liu Ling's affairs.

Instead, it's just a look of watching a show.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot! !

Shocked everyone!
In this dark alley, the direction of the gunshot should be near here.

"I... didn't hear it wrong, did I? Is it really a gunshot?"

Someone is not sure.

Liu Ling also stopped there all of a sudden!
Bai Ke'er took the opportunity to push him away, but was caught back by him again, "It's impossible to run away!"

The door opened all of a sudden!
To be exact, he was kicked away!
Everyone looked over in shock.

Especially Liu Ling, when he saw the person in front of him, his pupils shrank tightly.

"Li... Li Yaotang?" Liu Ling looked at the man in front of him in shock.

There was no expression on his handsome face with sharp corners, and the coldness around him was intimidating.

However, a man around 20 years old, but looking at him at this moment, he clearly reveals a deep, cold and charming aura.

It doesn't match his age at all!
Liu Ling instinctively reached for his hands, and seeing that his hands were empty, he gasped in his heart, but said coldly, "Don't meddle in your own business."

Bai Ke'er looked straight at the expressionless man, with despair and begging intertwined in her eyes at the same time.

After Li Yaotang heard Liu Ling's words, a real coldness flashed across his expression. He glanced at Bai Ke'er with a deep coldness in his eyes, stretched out his finger, and gave her a slight hook. , opened her thin lips lightly, and only said three words: "You... come here!"

Bai Ke'er's eyes widened instantly!

The man in front of her was obviously she hated very much, but at this moment, when she looked at him, a deep strangeness flashed across her heart.

Without even thinking about it, Bai Ke'er rushed towards him.

Before, I knew that Li Yaotang was not a good person!
But even if she went from the wolf's den to the tiger's mouth, she couldn't care less.

But how could Liu Ling just watch Bai Keer run to Li Yaotang's side, and he immediately stretched out his hand to pull Bai Keer away.

Just when his hand was about to grab Bai Ke'er, Li Yaotang made an instant move.

Like a gust of wind, Liu Ling only felt a gap in front of his eyes, and his arm suddenly felt numb, followed by a sharp pain.

The arm seemed to be broken.

Liu Ling screamed: "Hit him! Hit him!"

How could these people be Li Yaotang's opponents? His moves were quick and sharp.He stretched out his hand to pull Bai Ke'er, spun slightly, and pulled her into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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