Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 348 What a well-behaved child

Chapter 348 What a well-behaved child
As for Luo Bing, although he felt unhappy because he solemnly escaped from the prison, this feeling was completely different from the previous feeling of suppressing hatred.

The current solemnity is no longer what he was back then!

Now Zhuang Jing, everyone knows that he is a murderer!

The banker has already been destroyed.



Bai Keer told her classmates to go to the countryside to play.

Originally let Luo Bing go with him, but Luo Bing smiled and shook his head.

During the two days of the weekend, Luo Bing went to Bai Hui and Lin Nuanyue's side.

When Bai Hui saw her, he immediately snorted coldly, showing no good looks at all.

But Lin Nuanyue was extremely happy.

With Bai Ke'er not around, Lin Nuanyue faced the cold and hard Bai Hui all day long, not to mention how depressed she was.

Luo Bing came, went shopping with her, chatted with her, accompanied her to the beauty parlor for facial and manicure, and even cooked delicious food for her and Bai Hui.

People who are used to delicacies from mountains and seas and delicacies on weekdays will feel that they have a special flavor when they occasionally eat a refreshing side dish.

Lin Nuanyue ate with relish.

Bai Hui, however, was still indifferent, he didn't look at Luo Bing, occasionally his eyes touched, and when facing Luo Bing's sincere and sweet smile, he just let out a cold snort.

After the meal, Luo Bing made tea for them.

The first-class tea set, Luo Bing made tea in a decent way.

When she was young, Luo Bing often saw her father making tea, and her father liked to drink tea very much. At that time, there were only high-quality tea leaves in the house.

The faint tea fragrance is something that Luo Bing can't forget till now.

Luo Bing took the tea and passed it to Bai Hui first, "Dad, drink tea!"

Bai Hui's face was very majestic. He sat there with a cold face, but he refused to take the tea that Luo Bing handed over.

Lin Nuanyue watched, then pinched Bai Hui hard, "I'll pass you some tea, my child."

Bai Hui was in pain from being pinched, so he immediately frowned and glared at his wife.

Lin Nuanyue is a bit more courageous now, before, she would have lowered her head in guilty conscience, but now she just pretended not to see it without blushing.

Looking at their little interaction, Luo Bing couldn't help but twitch his lips slightly.

Bai Hui coughed lightly and very coldly.

Luo Bing lifted the tea and felt that his arms were a little sore.

Lin Nuanyue took the tea directly, and put it in front of Bai Hui: "The child will cook for you, make tea for you after the meal and pass it to you to drink, what do you want? ah?"

Lin Nuanyue looked at Luo Bing, feeling extremely distressed, "What a well-behaved child. Don't be ignorant of compliments."

Bai Hui snorted again.

Lin Nuanyue directly brought the teacup to his mouth, "Here, drink up!"

Bai Hui: "..."

Luo Bing poured another glass for Lin Nuanyue and handed it over.

In fact, Lin Nuanyue doesn't like drinking tea as much as Bai Hui, she always finds the tea very bitter, and she likes to drink orange juice.

However, now that she is drinking the tea that Luo Bing handed over, she feels the fragrance on her lips and teeth, which is far less astringent than she felt before.

After tasting this tea, it really leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth.

In fact, there are some tricks to this tea. The ironing pot, setting the tea, warming the cup, high brewing, smelling the fragrance, tasting the tea, the amount of tea, the water temperature and brewing time used here are not as thorough as you like. can do it.

But Luo Bing's tea was brewed very well.

Even Lin Nuanyue, who doesn't like drinking tea very much, said, "It's delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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